Motorsport Games Sell Exclusive NASCAR License To iRacing, First Release In 2025


Master of Web
Staff member
iRacing and Motorsport Games have announced this morning the sale of their NASCAR license to iRacing. This obviously should assist Motorsport Games financially, help Le Mans Ultimate make it to market and probably give Monster Games (now owned by iRacing, former creators of NASCAR Heat 4) the console release. One question is whether we will see a NASCAR release on PC (the Steam icon is present in NASCAR’s coverage) that either isn’t a part of the iRacing service, or will be playable ‘offline’ against AI. Another question is on this license continuing to be exclusive and whether iRacing would still […]

@Sarch I was lucky enough to have some insider knowledge on this one, but nobody would confirm it and I couldn't confirm it officially myself. I don't report on anything I can't either verify myself or don't get some sort of official confirmation on.
I do like the idea of NASCAR, as a non-American we don't really have it easily accessible (or the supporting sub classes), but the concept is excellent. And I keep looking for a decent game, and tried many. But not sure if it's me or the general crap that's out there, but I've never found a decent game that runs on haf decent equipment. In fact the best to date is NASCAR '03 as abandonware, which is nuts.

Hopefully, this dry spell will end with this - it might even be the reason I get iRacing too!
It's not you. The last really good NASCAR game was NASCAR 2003. You might enjoy NASCAR Heat 4, but it's got it's issues.
...checks steam...

Of course, I have Heat 3 & Heat 5.

And wasn't enamored with either. I might have to spend some more time in '03 just to refresh! And if I'm honest I love the fact that the game is likely older than many of the players! That's crazy.
