[3ds Max 8] Vertex snaps not working


I cannot seem to get vertex snapping to accually work anymore. I've checked most settings, but cannot seem to get anything to snap to the vertex properly. Any tips to what i've done so wrong?
Right click on the snaps toggle icon, and ensure the snaps tab is setup as shown. Then left click on the snaps toggle to enable it, then just use the move function as normal.
Yeah i've checked that setting, all is normal there :( I dont get what's going on with it
Do you have any selection frozen? (usually space bar locks / unlocks selection) Besides, you might be trying to snap to any frozen object. Right click and -> Unfreeze all.
Nope, that wasn't it. Seems to be an issue with all scenes, but wierdly when creating a line, it will snap when creating it, but once that's done, no more snaps. This is fustrating, copying coordinates manually is annoying
Right click on the snaps toggle icon, and ensure the snaps tab is setup as shown. Then left click on the snaps toggle to enable it, then just use the move function as normal.
Did you look in the -grid and snap settings - options page - use axis constraints? unchecking that...
Found it! Turns out that i somehow had it set to projection instead of intersection in the preferances... I don't know how i turned that on, but glad it's working again
