Studio 397 Confirm rFactor 2 Code Not Licensed To Rennsport


Master of Web
Staff member
As I previously reported, parameters and code that is only commercially available in the rFactor 2 product and any official derivatives has been found within the Rennsport product. Today, Studio 397 released a statement that confirms that no rFactor 2 code should be in any other product. An important note, perhaps, is that the statement (below) does state that they are aware rFactor (1) code is being used as the foundation for other projects. However, as I stated before, what I have seen is not commercially available rFactor (1) content. As this story develops, we await to hear from Competition […]

"scratch built" text gone from their website?
Appears they have made edits, but if you go to their Web site, click About, then Racing Game, "limiting legacy" is still fairly suggestive along with what they said previously. All they need to say is "Advanced technology" rather than "Latest technology without limiting legacy".

But I concede they have made changes. That's a good thing.
