iRacing Rolls Back Anti-Cheat Changes, Reduces Max Rain Rate In 2024 Season 2 Patch 1 Hotfixes


Master of Web
Staff member
iRacing have released a couple of hotfixes in the past few days, rolling back anti-cheat changes, tweaking rain rates and fixing some rain-effected visuals. Build notes for hotfixes 1 and 2 can be seen below. Hotfix 1: iRACING: ————————————————————– Profile Fixed an issue where the new Rovaler Awards were not yet earnable. SIMULATION: ————————————————————– AntiCheat Software iRacing has received a significant number of reports related to issues with the newly implemented Epic Online Services (EOS) version of AntiCheat Software. While our team works through these issues with the developers at Epic, we will be rolling back the integration of EOS

