A particular mod in rfactor stops working suddenly for no apparent reason?


This is not an issue that I've been having, this is an issue my mate has had, cos when I was on holiday last week, we agreed that he'd run practice and qualifying for one of the races in my AI series, so I sent him the mod, and when he tried it on Wednesday, it was all working fine. But a day later, it wasn't working, basically what he said happened was it loaded up fine but when it was about to load the second intro before entering the menu but then it comes up with the old "rFactor has stopped working" message. The weird thing is he hadn't done anything to rfactor since it was working, he hadn't installed any mods or made any modifications or anything. He had uninstalled a few programmes which we think have no relation to rfactor but I'll mention them anyway as they might have an unknown relation. Power director 11, wondershare vid editor, his PC backup and a few internet addons. He also tried making a fresh install of rfactor and inserted the mod, but no difference, but without the mod it's fine. There is clearly nothing wrong with the mod, as 1. It was working fine the day before the issue and he hadn't made any modifications before he had the issue, and 2. I have sent the mod to 2 other people and they have the mod working fine. I actually had to move this race to a later date as we simply couldn't sort out the problem, but I'm posting it here for the future. Does anyone know what the issue could be?
Seems like a new quiz here :).

Basically, software never quits working without a reason......

Did you make a trace and can you post the trace-file entries?

Maybe before that, you can try with installing dx9 again.

HERE you can get the latest version (don't use the webinstaller!!)
Ok earlier today I did practice on my new PC and that was fine, however now for some reason it's not working and by the description it looks like the same issue my mate has, and I've actually done nothing to my PC at all between when it worked and when it didn't!

Seems like a new quiz here :).

Basically, software never quits working without a reason......

Did you make a trace and can you post the trace-file entries?

Maybe before that, you can try with installing dx9 again.

HERE you can get the latest version (don't use the webinstaller!!)
Please make a trace and post the whole content of the tracefile.

Which mod is it (downloadlink)?
Where can u find trace files and it's a custom private mod based on f1rfr
To create a tracefile, you have to do:

- if you don't have one, create a shortcut from rfactor.exe
- rightclick on it an choose "properties"
- in the line "target" add this at the end: -trace=3
ATTENTION, there has to be a space in front of the "-".
- the new line at the end should look like ......rfactor.exe -trace=3 or ......rfactor.exe" -trace=3
- click OK and start the game by using the shortcut
- move to the point where the game crashes
- when it crashed, go to your rfactor installation folder, and then into the folder UserData/LOG
- there you'll find a file called trace.txt

Attention: every new tracefile will overwrite the old one. So to save them, you have to rename them or move them to another place.
Can't see the line "target" anywhere, I'm using Windows 8.
But you can still create a shortcut right?

What shows up when you've created one, rightclick on it and choose "properties"?

In W7 a window with some tabs opens and one of these tabs contains the properties of the shortcut, where you can find the "target"-line. Looks like this (sorry it's in german language, because i am german :)):

Maybe you can post screenshots how it looks at W8 or someone who uses W8 too and knows how to add the trace option, answers here.
Here's what it said in the trace file.

NetComm.cpp 11193: NetComm checking command line: "-trace=3"
game.cpp 1211: Entered Game::Enter()
osman.cpp 540: Entered OSMan::Enter()
plrfile.cpp 2314: Entered PlayerFile::Enter()
setup.cpp 2818: WARNING: Unable to find track-specific gdb file for: GAMEDATA\LOCATIONS\CRC2014Tracks\Rd13_Belgium\CRC_Spa2014\CRC_Spa2014 aaa.scn
setup.cpp 2298: Could not find Safety.dds
gamestats.cp 906: RaceCast Location set to: racecast.rfactor.net
plrfile.cpp 1727: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Childcar Racing 2014\Childcar Racing 2014.TMP
plrfile.cpp 1757: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Childcar Racing 2014\Childcar Racing 2014.PLR
vidman.cpp 1229: Entered VidMan::Enter()
With that trace file (and without having the mod here) i would say that there seems to be a problem with playing a video.
Especially because you've written "... it loaded up fine but when it was about to load the second intro before entering the menu but then it comes up with the old "rFactor has stopped working" message".

I would suggest to delete the videos of the mod (they can be in the rfm-, a mod-specific video- or UI-folder) and see if it changes anything.

My first suspect would be a video in the UIData folder of the mod.
With me it crashes before the first intro

With that trace file (and without having the mod here) i would say that there seems to be a problem with playing a video.
Especially because you've written "... it loaded up fine but when it was about to load the second intro before entering the menu but then it comes up with the old "rFactor has stopped working" message".

I would suggest to delete the videos of the mod (they can be in the rfm-, a mod-specific video- or UI-folder) and see if it changes anything.
OK, maybe it has something to do with your operating system.
The other guy who has the same problem as you, does he have Windows 8 too?

And is someone of the guys where the mod runs without any problem using Windows 8?

Did you try to run rfactor as administrator?
Yes is the answer to all 3 of the questions. The weird thing is though is with both of us it was working perfectly fine before without any issue and I honestly did nothing to it in between when it worked and when it didn't
I vaguely recall something to do with shaders, gamadata/shared map if i'm correct. not sure what the trick was but it included letting the game create new ones, maybe it triggers Redapg's epic memory.
Too much of honor Denstjiro ;) my memory too often lets me alone :D
But normally, when you have a problem with shaders, you should get an error-message from the game like "g-motor error, could not load..." or something like that.

The difficulty with such errors is, that some do have it and some do not, with apparently same credentials.
And when you don't have the problem making things on your own machine and can't reproduce it, makes things not easier.

But let me ask some more questions:
- do you have windows autoupdate activated?
If yes, please take a look if there was an update installed shortly before the error appeared.

- do you have more than the problem making mod installed in the same rfactor-folder?
If yes, move into the rfm-folder and rename the rfm-file-extension from the problem-mod from "rfm" into e.g. "rfx", or move the rfm-file to the desktop. Then delete (or move it to the desktop too) the *.CCH file of the mod from the folder ..\UserData\[Your Nickname]. And as last thing, open the file "KnownRFMs.ini" which you can find in the ..\UserData-folder and delete the line from the mod.
Start the game. Is it running normal now?

If yes, rename the rfm file to original extension again and start the game.
If it runs normal, close it and start it a second time.
Do you get the same error then?
Nope, no updates were installed in between when it worked or not. and I tried what you said, and I still have the issue.
The error appeared with another mod too?

Then i just can suggest to make a complete fresh install (you can keep the existing one) of rF1, install your mod only and see if that works.
When i see your other threads, where you describe your problems with your wheel and rf2 Modmanager, for me it seems as if there is a basically problem with your OS.
I don't know what it could be, because i don't use/like W8.

But what i would suggest to everybody who sets up a new Windows OS is, to set the UAC to the lowest level as first step. That prevents from many trouble.
Mod Mode worked in the previous build and I checked my wheel on my laptop and it doesnt work there
OK, then back to this problem....

I fear the only possibility (for me) to try to sort this out, is when i would have the mod here.

But because only use windows 7, i just could test it with that OS!
I don't have the issue with my laptop but as ive said many times it was working perfectly fine before
Well when the mod stopped working in rFactor, I actually changed nothing, I'd run practice earlier, and all was fine, and just 2 hours later, I'd not touched rfactor and it wasnt working
What can I do, I promised everyone I'd livestream the last race of my AI series this year is there any fix to the problem? It worked perfectly fine before
Have you Googled similar or related issues with rf1? there's bound to be cases that are the same or at least can point into a direction. At this point you probably need to do some experimenting on your own because its hard to keep guessing what's going on.

I know one thing, rf1 can get pretty unstable over time so maybe dedicate a fresh Lite install to this mod. That at least should be a good starting point where you know nothing else can interfere.
Like he said, he and his mate did a fresh install without success.

It's really hard to solve such problems that some have and some do not have, especially without having the causing things on the own machine. But in this case it wouldn't help anyway as it seems.

I'll give it a new try, but i really need exact and complete feedback!!

Please make a new fresh install with a full rfcator version. Not lite or similar!
And make a trace and post the content here everytime.

Now start the game, choose a series, take a car, go on track and leave the pits. Is that running without problems?
I did try that before, and before I tried installing my mods, all was fine. And I did search on google and I couldn't find anyone else who has had the same error.
So the answer is "yes" and you have done it???

If you seriously want help, you have to give reasonable answers. Otherwise it makes no sense to try to help.
1- Go on Support/DirectX/Install and run the DXSETUP file. Could be some corrupted DirectX file on your OS.
2- Check your config.ini and see if all the paths are correct. Sometimes this happens when tracks/vehicles folders have a wrong path
3- Fresh install->All vehicles and tracks->Check if its ok. Maybe some UIDATA file corrupted or placed wrongly.
4- Change your shader level in rfconfig.exe to some higher value or AUTO.
5- Can you give us a link to the mod?
Sorry this is a bit late, been a bit busy and tried everything.
1- I've done that, no difference.
2- All paths are correct, checked every single one.
3- Done a fresh install, it runs fine, no trouble, and it can't be some UIDATA as it worked fine before.
4- Done that, no difference
5- I've already PMed Valter the mod, if anyone else who feels they can help then I'll PM you it.
