Adding a tire wall


Hi guys,

Simple question, but a difficult/large answer I suspect: how can I add a tire wall to an existing track?
We discovered a lot of people in our league cut a certain corner a lot, intentionally or not. Cutting that corner gains a lot of time because there's a very long straight behind it. To put an end to this we'd like to put a tire wall at the edge of the track.

I generally know my way around rFactor and it's structure, but my knowledge about the tracks is very limited. I came across a couple of track building tutorials, but those all started from scratch, where I want to slightly modify the track.

Can someone point me in the right direction to add an extra (solid) tirewall at the track?

Thanks in advance, and I hope this question isn't too general.
If you have 3dsimed ( it’s a breeze. Please inform if you have. Otherwise you will face some problems, because it’s not possible to rotate and move the new GMT (in this case, an additional tire-wall) without 3dsimed or 3ds Max.

The XYZ and rotation of each GMT is recorded directly in its binary code.

You can identify a tire-wall which you like from any track as long as the creator has assigned an intuitive name to the object, for example, open the SCN file which have the tire-wall:

MeshFile=t_wall1_s0.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False ShadowReceiver=True

You can easily borrow this object to your track by picking the mentioned GMT and adding into your *.MAS file(*). To activate it just copy and paste the lines above to your SCN file.

But, still, without 3dsimed or 3ds Max you’re not able to move and rotate this new tire-wall. It will appear in the same XYZ / rotation which it had into original track where you copied it from and certainly will be useless or block your road.

In few words, you have to be a very lucky man to find a tire-wall exactly in the position and angle that you need from another track, unless you have 3ds Max or 3dsimed either to move and rotate it to the position which you want to prevent track cutting. If you don't, we can do this for you.


(*) To save disk space, the track creators normally pack their GMT files into a single *.MAS file. To manage it, you have to download this ISI's file:

It works exactly any ordinary ZIP or RAR tool. In fact, you don't need to pack the "borrowed" new tire-wall into your SCN track-file, you just need to drop the gmt into the track folder. Anyway, you'll need the tool at least to unpack the MAS of the track which is the source of the object.
Thanks a lot for your help JorgeANeto!

I downloaded 3dsimed (20 day trial) and was able to load the track in it. I copied an existing tire wall from the track and moved and rotated it into place. Messed around abit with the MAS- and SCN-file, and it works like a charm!

Took me a couple of hours to do something that "simple", but I did it thanks to your help (didn't know 3dsimed). Thanks!
