Adding car to a Mod


Hi there, how can i add a F1 car (Ferrari F310) to a mod? Is that possible? thanks in advance
What car?
Is it an existing rfactor-car?

Depending on that it is more or less work to add it to an existing mod but it is possible.
Hi Redapg, it's the F310 made by WCP, it's an existing rfactor-car, i would like to put it in the 1996 f1 mod, which files i have to change in order to do it?
Can it be that the F310 is an rFactor1-car and the F1 1996-mod comes from rFactor2?

If that is right, you will have to convert the F310 into rFactor2-format first. And that is not done only by editing some files...

If both are rFactor1-format, please post downloadlinks.
