Adding multiple racing grooves


Hi all. I run in a league that runs a Nascar mod. We would like to take the existing tracks and add multiple racing grooves to the tracks. If any has watched a Nascar race you would notice that at most tracks they can run anywhere from the low line to the highline in the corners. We have tried several things but we can't get it to work. Wondering if anyone on here has any ideas of how to make it work.
Or he means the groove-lines that are set in the AIW.
In that case there is no chance, i guess, except you do it "by hand" with textures.
That's exactly what we want to do. Looks complicated to me though.
One idea i have and would like to try if it works.
Can you post a downloadlink of a track that you use?
We use the VHR mod and it's all those tracks.

I can't even figure out how to get the tracks to open in 3dsmax 2010. I would be willing to pay somebody to do them, because it probably wouldn't take very long to do if somebody with experience did them.
I would start with making sure you have permission to alter VHR's tracks.
Like i've said, i will try to create a new "multiple" groove-line with one of the VHR tracks, to see if it works.

And to get the tracks into 3DSMax2010, you just need to extract the mas-files with the gmt's and textures of the tracks with the Mas-Tool and the gmt-importer to be able to get the gmt's into 3DSMax.

Just extract the attached zip-file into the ..\Scripts\Startup-folder of your 3DSMax-installation, to make it available in 3DSMax.

This is the last gmt-importer i have, it's V 0.94:
I have been in contact with the mod creator. I asked him if he had a problem with me trying to do this. He told me that I would have to do it in 3ds max to change the wire meshes. He said he hadn't done it because it would be to time consuming. He just changes the grip level of the tires but that doesn't make the highline work any better. So by the reply he gave me was that he didn't mind me trying to do this in fact it will pretty much help him out.
I told him if he didn't want me to mess with anything to just tell me and he didn't say no.
OK, when i read the last posting, then freew67 gave the right hint (and i don't have to do the work to try to create multiple groove-lines :)).
But before you go and change the meshes/materials, do the following as a try:

Take the Bristol track-folder and open the VHR_Bristol.tdf file with an editor.

The outer lines of the Ovals curve have the materials "highline...".
These both materials have the griplevel 1.03.
The lower lines of the curves have road.. material, which is set with 1.00.

That normally would cause that you have more grip on the outside line than on the inner line. ( If values higher than 1.0 are allowed, about what i am not really sure in this case)
I would suggest to play around with the grip-level settings in the tdf-files before you customize the meshes. ;)

Here some picture to show the different materials on Bristol


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We have already tried doing that and it doesn't work. We have got it to work at a couple of tracks but for the most part it doesn't work, and even the mod creator said that wouldn't work properly.
Can you say on which track(s) it didn't work?
Normally when everything is set carefully it should work.
Ive been trying to get Texas to load into 3ds max for 2 days now. I cant figure it out, pretty much giving up. Im not smart enough to do it I guess.
Thanks for you guys help. I appreciate it.
Texas for example, has only road-material for the oval, so there should the grip be the same on every line.
exactly, but if you try to run anywhere but the bottom you will be a lot slower. so more grip in the outer lanes will pick up those speeds and make for more side by side racing.
Like I said earlier I still cannot get anything to open up for me in 3ds max. I will just throw in the towel and we will just keep racing like we have been, follow the leader and hope they screw up.
I don't understand why it has to be so hard to import a file into that program though.
It's not so hard, but the more important question is, if you have the skills to change things in 3DSMax. If not, loading the tracks into Max won't help you anyway. ;)
Your probably right but I always like to try to learn new stuff, because its hard to find somebody to do it for me.
Did you look at Texas?
Do you need instructions, how to get rFactor-files into 3DSMax?
If yes, i will write a little tutorial later, i have to leave now.

But you know how to extract the MAS-files right?

EDIT get the attached zip file. It contains a max scene from Texas with only the track-objects. Try to open it with Max and post if you get any error message. then i can see if e.g. the Shaders are correctly extracted into Max.
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OK, here is a little tutorial about how to get rFactor1 gmt's into 3DSMax.
This is for 3DSMax2010, because that is the last Version where ISI-Tools to convert to gmt's are available.
But the scheme is the same for e.g. Max2009, you only have to get the matching ISI-Plugin for your Max-Version.

I hope i don't forget something to mention, if you find any missing things or mistakes in the description, please post here.

At first do the following things:

1. Get the rFactor Max Plugin for your Max Version from the rFactor1 Dev-Corner.
In this case we use the one for the 2010 Max Version
Extract the zip file into the 3DSMax2010\plugins folder

2. Get the gmt-importer.
Extract the zip file of the importer into the 3DSMax2010\Scripts\Startup folder

3. Get the rFactor Mas-Tool to extract the MAS-files.
Extract the zip-file into a folder of your choice.

4. Open the Mas-Tool, open the Coreshaders.Mas that you can find in:
[your rFactor1 Installation folder]\GameData\Shared
and extract the whole content into the 3DSMax2010\hardwareshaders folder

Now open 3DSMax and click on the Utilities-symbol (the hammer) at the right upper side, then in the opening windowclick on the Button "Configure Button Sets", set the "Total Buttons" to 2 and add "MAX Script" and "GMT Converter v2.45c"with a doubleclick from the left side Window.
Then safe the new Set e.g. as "rFactor 1" and click "OK".
After that is done, you can choose this set by clicking on the Button "Sets", as the active one.

When you want to get the gmt files into Max now, you can extract the Mas-files of a track or car with the Mas-Tooland put the content into a new folder.
I always would suggest to put the gmt and textures together into the same folder, because you don't have to set any paths in Max then.

When your work is done, the gmt and textures can be seperated again before you build the new MAS-files.

When all needed MAS-files are extracted, open 3DSMax and click on the Button "MAX Script" from your new Button-Set.

A new menue opens where you can choose the "GMT2 Importer" in the Utilites Dropdown-menue.

In the now opening menue, you can choose between "Import a single File" or "Import a Directory".
To import a complete track, you choose "Import a Directory", point to the folder where the extracted gmt's are and click "OK".

Now the gmt's should get loaded what can last a while, depending of the amount of gmt's and textures and your PC-specifications.
Be patient, it sometimes can last REALLY a while. :)

(To export the objects from MAX into rF1 gmt format, just click on the Button "GMT Converter v2.45c" from your Button-Set, to open the export-dialog.)
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