Adding new cars to mod


I'm trying to add one new car to some mod but I'm not sure about gen files. Here's an example:

Gen file from car in mod I want to play:

Gen file from new car I want to add:

Now I don't know whether I should remove that MASFile=ES_COMMON.mas line from gen file, or maybe I should copy that mas file from original mod? I'd appreciate it very much if somebody could tell me please, which way to go, and what are these mas files actually?
Never delete or change entries of MAS-files from a *.gen or *.scn file. Except you have changed something and packaged it in new or additional files.
In the *.MAS-files are all meshes and textures and other stuff included that a car or track or showroom is builded of.
When something is missing or can't be found because you've deleted such an entry, you get an error-message that something can't be loaded.
And the car, track... will not be loaded or show up in game correctly.
OK, so I need to copy this additional mas file. The question is - is it important where exactly I should place it?

And another thing - could you tell me please where I can change the class name as shown below:

In which file is this information specified?
You can put it wherever you want as long as the path in the *.gen file matches the location.
And the classes are set in the *.veh files at the line "Classes=", i remember you have made some changings there with another car, right?

BUT, when the car you want to add to the mod is not meant as an additional car for it, you will have to look if the mod has a customized vehicle path in the ConfigOverrides section of the *.rfm file.
If yes, you will have to do some more work.
If you don't get it to work, post the downloadlinks of mod and additional car here.
Thank you very much for clarification on the mas files. As for this class issue - it's strange because I changed this 'Classes=' line in veh file and car is listed in right place. But this info 'Class as configured:' shows up only for cars I own and I have no idea where this class name is coming from? Is it hard-coded in some binary (non-text) files?
No, it is not hardcoded, i would say that the class ES_P2 is coming from Enduracers series.
That is why i ask you to post downloadlinks from the mod and addon car you are using.

It's hard to answer questions when you don't have enough information ;).

And it would be helpful too, to know what exactly you have changed.
I'm sorry but I cannot post links - it's unofficial addon and mod. But I just found solution - this class name is hidden in Upgrades.ini file. I changed one line: D'isplayClassOverride=' and it's OK now:)
