AI changing path and speed


I would like to know why the AI doesn't follow the AIW path given by the .aiw file ?
On this link there a screen capture of the differents path .
The purple is the AI path and the Green is the AIW Waypoint.
Is it possible to tell the AI to brake later in the AIW file ?

Thanks you
Difficult to answer, as you havent shown the corridor of where the AI is allowed to drive, and the corridor showing what the AI will crash into.
What do you mean with : "corridor of where the AI is allowed to drive" and "corridor ...the AI will crash into"
Here is the collision line
blue line Collision : "wp_dwidth" in the AIW file
black line Circuit : "wp_width" in the AIW file
green line Circuit : "wp_path" dry in the AIW file
purple the AI path when running.
Thanks you
Maybe you remember THIS thread from you.
I tried to tell you there, that the AI will not use/follow exactly the given lines in the AIW file.

I think it's a thing caused by the programming of the game.
The problem is only when the direction of the path change brutally.In normal curve the AI follow my waypoint.
I tought there was a way to tell the AI to striclty follow the path :(
I've extracted all the aiw file and reverse it to make the path from a real course but I still have problem with the AI.
Thanks you
Maybe in "normal curves" the AI racingline just matches your given line.

I think the AI always tries to go a line that a normal racedriver would use and that this has been programmed in that way.

Maybe ISI will give you an useful answer ;)
What do you mean with : "corridor of where the AI is allowed to drive" and "corridor ...the AI will crash into"
Here is the collision line
blue line Collision : "wp_dwidth" in the AIW file
black line Circuit : "wp_width" in the AIW file
green line Circuit : "wp_path" dry in the AIW file
purple the AI path when running.
Thanks you

Firstly, I must highlight that I dont really know what your trying to do with the AIW. So with that statement, the accuracy of my answers maybe way off.

The reason the AIW doesn't always follow the fastpath/racing line, as it's able to adjust for overtaking, defending its track position. It is allowed to move from side to side of a corridor which represents the track surface.
Another reason would because your asking the AI to defy the laws of physics. A car cannot make a 90 degree sharp turn travelling at 200MPH.
Another reason could be, that you've put a collision wall in the middle of the track.

Going by your first picture, your telling the AI to defy the laws of physics. High speed entry into the hairpin, and sharp left turn at high speed.
In reality the hairpin is done with the handbrake in manual driving I think this why the AI is lost you're right.
There is not collision wall because all the circuit is tested in manual driving.
Thanks you
