AI-Tweaking - AI Brake_Grip Usage?


since I am trying to race a bit offline with rFactor and the Enduracers-Mod I've noticed how bad the AI is and tried to tweak them a bit to have better offline-races.
I came across several tweaking-guides and hints. One of them was in TheUSPits-Forum from a a couple of years back where the thread-starter wrote:

Decreasing this gets rid of the sudden brake checks at high speed so the cars don't go from 190 to 160 with the touch of the brake.

Can you confirm this? In my testings they didnt brake that much on the straights with a lower settings from around 0,27000, but it seemed that the braking-efficiency also suffered from the lower value.
Kind regards and many thx in advance
Unfortunately you forgot to tell us which value in which file you've changed.

But maybe in general THIS (read to the end) could help you.

And another thing is the *.AIW of every track.
If the *.AIW wasn't created so well, the AIW-cars, don't matters which mod, sometimes brake much too soon and move too slow around curves.
This you can adjust a little with changing this line in the *.AIW file:
The entries are:
limit the acceration, max speed, their cornering speed, or their deceleration
and the values are 0.0 - 1.0

I didn't tested it, because i don't race offline so much, but when i create a new *.AIW file for a track i always try to drive a smooth path, so that the AIW is not too slow in curves.
I thought the topic said which value i have changed...sry if this was not clear.
I have changed the
AI Brake_Grip Usage
in the plr-file.
I will try your hint regarding the AISpec-values..
