aiw cam editor not working on Windows 8


Well...the title is self explainatory....i can't run the aiw editor on windows 8 (i've installed it twice and nothing happend)

should i stop because it won't work for nobody or should i change something and try again, anybody got it running?

This is really new! Nobody from ISI staff has answered a question!


I'm tired of lack of consideration of this company, honestly. BTW, I have the same problem than you.
i wrote to them directly and, basically, (well, i don't know how to say that in english but didn´t give any solutions.) It does not work and that is that.

Here is what they answered me:

rFactor Support said:
Sorry, I don’t know (and unfortunately don’t have time to test it). Windows 8 is not a supported OS. There are many things in Windows 8 that is not backward compatible with Windows 7 and prior versions, and many security updates that prevent certain processes.

You could ask around in the forums to see if anyone else managed to get it working in Windows 8.

I've tried running windows xp on VirtualBox but found problems with the directx and since i do not have so much free time i couldn't fix it. I will let you know if i make it work. I hope someone finds a solution.
Did you try to install DirectX 9 over the existing Windows 8 dx-installation?

You can find the latest dx9-Version HERE for example.
There's nothing to do with DirectX, this is a software issue, probably simple but ISI simply doesn't care. They don't support and that's all, screw the customers.

You spend months in a track creation and when you'll create AIW you kindly figures that software simply doesn't run in W8 and that's it...

Shame on you ISI!
Yeah i'm having the same problem with Windows 8, is there a fix available at all??

Not that I knew of and it seems ISI doesn't care. They fixed the normal rfactor1255.exe but forgot to do the same for the aiwcameditor. Any idea which ISI Team member we could contact? Do they even read these forums anymore?

Somebody help, please. :(
With your charming personality I wonder why no one would respond. :) I will pass the info on.
I know it wouldn't be the best solution but, does Windows 8 still have the "XP-Mode" as W7 did?
Maybe the AIW Editor works with that.
You mean installing XP as virtual machine? I don't have XP anymore. :(
To look into the issue, we need more information. As you crossposted on RaceDepartment I already replied there. I need to know more about the steps you took, exactly what happened, and if you can provide a trace.txt as that might help us narrow down your issue. Others have successfully run these tools on Windows 8.1 so there definitely is hope. We need to further diagnose this, and we can only do that with your help. :)
You mean installing XP as virtual machine? I don't have XP anymore. :(

Yes, for W7 there was offered a special download from Microsoft to run WindowsXP as Virtual machine, if there is the same available for W8, i would give it a try.
If it works, it can be a "Temp" solution as long as there is no solution for the Problem you have, to be able to run the AIW Editor with W8.
THERE IS HOPE!!! Best news since months!

I answered you over on RD departement.

I click on it - nothing
Tried it in XP compability mode - nothing
Tried it in Windowed mode - nothing

But hey, I will do anything what you guys tell me, if I can only run it again.
Hi guys, I'm glad (and a bit surprised) that there is still hope, i gave up time ago. @Marrs I can give you any info you need. I am running windows 8.1 (Fresh instalation). New instalation of rFactor 1255g (downloaded from instaled not in program files but in other folder (c\Juegos\rFactor) and with a fresh instalation also of the aiw cam editor downloaded also from I've tried running it as administrator, compatible with w7, wvista y wxp, full screen and windowed mode. I run as administrator and I am the only user/profile in my pc.

If I can send any one another information that would help us to run this on windows 8 I will be glad to give it.

I would really like to fix this. There must be a way to make this compatible. If ISI could patch up the main game exe, it is definitely possible to fix the aiw editor...
Please, has anybody yet been able to get the editor working in Windows 8 or 10? I cannot get it running on my Win 10 laptop, and I'm very reluctant to upgrade my desktop computer from Win 7 if the editor does not work.
ISI, surely if the game.exe works, there must be a way to get the editor running?

Cheers :)

same here ;-(

After upgrading to Win10 the AIW-Editor isn't working anymore....
That makes me realy feeling sad ;-(

Anybody out there with a clue how to generate AIWs today with Win10 ?

cheers from Germany,
To look into the issue, we need more information. As you crossposted on RaceDepartment I already replied there. I need to know more about the steps you took, exactly what happened, and if you can provide a trace.txt as that might help us narrow down your issue. Others have successfully run these tools on Windows 8.1 so there definitely is hope. We need to further diagnose this, and we can only do that with your help. :)
Hi marrs, it's a while since this post but it is still not possible to run the ISI editor in Windows 10. I have not personally come across anyone who can get it working in Windows 8 either. Is there no chance that this could be edited to work in W10? rFactor works ok in Win 10, so is there really no chance the editor program could be looked at and amended to get us up and running again? rFactor 1 still has so much life and enjoyment for many of us, it's sad if we cannot continue to build and edit AIWs .
Don't know about Windows 10 but it works on my W8.1 Pro 64-bit. Here's screenshot:

Yes, unfortunately that is not the ISI editor. I also use that one and it's very useful for most functions, but the ISI one allows more accurate editing of corridors and one or two other functions.

I really wish someone would come up with a way of getting the ISI editor working again :(
I'm sorry for this misinformation. I didn't know that this isn't official ISI program.
Sorry to say this but ISI should not be supported any longer!
i already hate myself for buying rF2 some time ago.

fore nearly one year i tried everything to contact any of the ISI guys to solve that annoying AIWditor issue with win10.
It´s not only that it´s not working anymore, it´s more the disgusting fact that none of the ISI persons in charge feel to even answer the question!

they simply give a sh... about their own old program since they put all their effort in rF2.
This is a very arrogant and disappointing behaviour versus some longtime Rf1 modders.

It´s sad to see that ISI is kicking their longtime supporters in the a... like that!
Lesson learned, just stay away from ISI products!

I don´t expect any kind of reaction from ISI because there never was any before....
But to be honest, just by writing this it feels so much better now:)
Crap like this is why I'm always gonna have a Windows 7 PC handy for the rest of eternity, even after 2020. I've got Windows 7 Home Premium on one, and Windows 10 and 7 dual boot on the other.
Hi. In the same boat. Ended up buying an old W7 machine for $50 and run the AIW file just to do new track versions.

Has an answer been found for W8 or 10 users?

Mike :)
aiwcam editor

I have a Windows 7 machine and the editor works, but have the following problem:

I have been out of trackmodding for a couple of years, now working on a new track, but can´t remenber how to get an above view of the track in the aiwcam editor.

I need that to make pit and startboxes, and to place cameras around the track.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Hi. In the same boat. Ended up buying an old W7 machine for $50 and run the AIW file just to do new track versions.

Has an answer been found for W8 or 10 users?

Mike :)
Haven't done editing in a while myself, isn't it one of the same keys as changing view? Maybe around the keypad keys?
Haven't done editing in a while myself, isn't it one of the same keys as changing view? Maybe around the keypad keys?

Hi Nick
Thanks for answer, I think you are right, maybe the scene needs a cam above the track that I can adress in the editor, I will try that out.
I started using a modern wireless keyboard without numeric keys, and the problem was solved
when I switceh to an oldschool keyboard with numeric keys. The numeric keys control the
viewer in the editor.

Thanks :)
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