AIW Editing: Garage spots not being saved...


Hey guys,

I'm currently editing the aiw file for a track that I've made and I've run into a few problems. The main one really, is that the garage spots that I specify in the editor are not getting saved to the aiw at all. I select the position I want > get a "done" message > save waypoints > then exit the track. I load it back up and all of the positions I made are gone. I checked in the aiw file and all I could see was a single line near the top: "garagespots=3"

There seems to be another issue with the grid positions too. Before I started work on the aiw file, the car was originally facing the wrong way, at 0,0,0. So I turned the car around to face the starting line, and used the auto grid function to create the rest of the grid spots. I tried to test it in game, but the car is still facing the wrong way, and it's still in the same spot as it were at 0,0,0.

Has anybody else had any problems like this? I've been specifying the garage spots, saving the waypoints, and then exiting the track. Do you need to create the pit spots together with the garage spots before you exit the track? Could that be the problem?

Thanks for your help in advance! :)
A quick update. The garage spots and the pit stops are now appearing! I created the pit spot for the first garage right after the garage and it now appears in the aiw. I then made one grid spot to test to see if I started on it, my car starts at the garage spot instead. Is there a way to alter this so it starts on the grid?

I'll keep updating the thread if I make more progress :)
I dont no what program your using, but I have experienced something similar in the past. My problem was caused by Windows 7, as it was protecting programs and files so you couldn't edit or overwrite anything.

Back then, I copied the whole rFactor folder to the desktop and worked on it there. But eventually I found Windows 7 to be a complete pain, and switched back to XP.
As you already figured out, you have to deploy garage AND pit spots before you save your AIW file.
As for grid spot, there should be no problems. Put the car in position and orientation you want, set gridspot and it should work after you save the file.
Thanks for your replies guys! :D

I've looked in AIW file and the grid spot locations are definitely listed there, although I've deleted the majority of them and kept the ones that I wanted - 38 of them to be exact. I've checked in the editor too with grid spots showing, and they're there too. Not sure why it won't just start on the grid instead. I'll keep trying though and keep you updated on any developments. Cheers!
