AIW Editor - Pit Spot Waypoints?


Very frustrated

Im adding pit stop locations yet they are not getting a way point. Im noticing the other pit stop locations have red lines branching off the main pit path to help the AI exit and rejoin pit road.

When I add a pit stop location I dont get the red lines and I dont get a waypoint. So the AI pits at the pit stop location but instead of rejoining the pitlane they turn to the right and run into the garage....
Is there enough garage spots for the new pits?


Is the waypoint for the pit location suppose to appear on its own or am I suppose to add it somehow? Theres a marker for the pit location but no waypoint like a normal pit location.
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When you add a new pitspot you have to add garage spots to it.

That's what Freew67 asked before.

Did you do that?
When you add a new pitspot you have to add garage spots to it.

That's what Freew67 asked before.

Did you do that?

I have 3 garages for every pit location. The AI fit just fine in their garages, no problem there.

Heres an image of what Im looking at.

When the AI cars come in to pit they drive down pitlane and when they get near their pit location they warp into the spot instead of driving into it. Once their pitstop is done instead of turning left to go back out onto the track they turn right towards the garage and get stuck.

Heres the original AIW of the pits and how it looks. Each pit has a waypoint with red lines connecting it to the pit lane path so the AI know where to go when they're finished with their pit stop. How do I get those waypoints for each pit location so I can connect them to the pitroad path?
Its very easy to piss off the aiw file. This issue for me at least tends to happen when I try to alter an existing aiw file. Not sure if redapg has a suggestion or not, but I would just redo the aiw file. You already have all the garage/pit/aux/starting spots done so that's half the battle finished. You can test the pitting quickly by not setting the fuel for the file. Granted I do short ovals, so starting over isn't a big issue with 15-20 sec laps at most. :) Did you select a special slow down spot? Doubt that is the issue but worth tossing out there.

For a laugh, try adding an extra garage spot or 2.
I have edited, don't know how many AIW-files for our community championships.
Always raised the count of Pit-spots to 20 and the Garages to 40.

And really never had a problem with that.

I think Holt added new Pit-Spots but without garage-locations.

Because of that i've asked again if he did that. :)

But i have to say that i never used it with AI, and i never had a feedback that the AI behaves strange.

I remember a thread where i've had a similar discussion.
The other member told me, that waypoints that you normally have, don't show up when you add Pit-Spots to the existing ones.
You have to create completely new Pit- and Garage-Locations.

But i honestly don't know if that can cause the described AI-problem.
I don't race with AI, so i had no reason to test that. :)
@Holt Can you post your AIW file?
I can take a look in my private rf1 AIW editor for 3dsMAX (beta).

Like redapg I have altered many tracks to accept larger grids for league use.
After adding the pit boxes you need to add garage spots for those new boxes.
I make sure there are 3 garage boxes for each pit box (even the existing pit boxes) or you have cars on top of each other in the garages which makes for a large mess in the parking area.
Be sure to click save waypoints often.
After you have made your changes exit dev mode and start the sim normally.
Choose the track your working on and at least load it up and drive a lap.
Now go back to dev mode and you should see the new waypoint connections have been created.

Edit: When you add waypoints click "find corridors" again then "save waypoints".

Hope this helps.
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I've read everyone's replies and I appreciate the feedback

I think it would help if I explain exactly what Im doing

I am not creating an AIW from scratch, Im attempting to edit exiting AIW files.

After running 'b-spec race manager' formula league, Im going to run a sportscar endurance racing league. The plan is for the average race to feature 32 AI cars (16 teams x2 cars), and lemans to feature 48 AI cars (16 teams x3 cars). Many modded tracks do not even support 32 cars, so I need to pump up their garages and pit locations if there is room.

Right now Im focusing on the virtua LM lemans 1991-1996 track. The track has enough garage stalls for 52, 53 cars. I marked them all out and the cars all load in them correctly, so thats not a problem.. And the pit lane is comfortably long enough to fit the 16 pit locations I need (16x3 = 48 cars). The problem is, when I add my custom pit spots the AI do not pull into them naturally, they drive near the spot, and then warp into the pit stall. The warping is odd, but I can live with it. The biggest issue is when the AI car leaves the pit. The first thing they do is make a hard right toward the garage, not the pit lane. This damages their car and gets them stuck. I've had this happen at Shanghai, another track I attempted to mod. Its weird because if they can go far enough before getting stuck they will turn left within a few seconds and rejoin the pit lane. But they ALWAYS turn right when their stop is finished.

So the main issue is the AI do not enter or exit their pit location properly.

Here are the AIW files, the original and my custom

EDIT: If someone can add a few working AI pitspots to a couple of tracks I need for my series I would appreciate it. I've spent 3 days straight trying to get this to work, and I simply cant. I can offer a little compensation, a steam or itunes giftcard code if you are in the united states. PM me if interested, thanks.
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The first thing, when i compare the content of the AIW files, what i see is wrong with the edited one is, that there are no AUX Locations for the Safety Car anymore.
Why did you delete them?
Please bring them back, try again and post here if that solved the problem.

If not, i'll install the track (a downloadlink with the version you use would be helpful) and edit AIW here.

EDIT i forget 2 things:
...... The problem is, when I add my custom pit spots the AI do not pull into them naturally, they drive near the spot, and then warp into the pit stall........

1. I don't race AI, like i've said. But i think that is normal when it happens in practice or qualy. It's normal behaviour when they come to garage.
When they do a pitstop in race it should not happen. Does it happen there too?

........ The biggest issue is when the AI car leaves the pit. The first thing they do is make a hard right toward the garage, not the pit lane. This damages their car and gets them stuck......

For that, when you have set the garage position too deep into the building, change the value of the line "GarageDepth = X.XX" (this line is in the *.gdb file of the track, or should be there :)) to a higher one.
That changes when the AI starts to steer into the pitlane direction.

EDIT 2 Because i was curious now, i looked into the AIW of the original Version of VirtualLeMans 1991 and there are 18 Pitspots with 17x 3 Garages and 1x 2Garages.
So there is no need to change a thing, to reach your claims. :)
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I did not intentionally delete the AUX location for the safety car. Even with the original AIW I still have this problem for a few certain pit locations.

The issue happens in the race.

Here is a video of the AI cars (48 total in the race) pitting into pit location #16. They warp into the spot and then turn right after finishing their pits and crash into the garage. At the end of the video you will see me driving in the original AIW. You can see the problem garage spot, #16, and how it does not have a waypoint or red branch lines leading to it. I think this is whats causing the warping and the car turning right instead of left after finishing its pit stop

Here is the track download link
Can you please test a new AIW-file?

Get it HERE.

Thanks. This fixes the trouble pit stops. They pit and exit their pits smoothly and properly.

However, it created 2 new problems.

#1 The race timer never starts (it stays at 0:00:00 instead of counting down from 6:00:00)

#2 The AI drive all over the track and crash frequently. Their behavior is very bizarre now

But the AI do pit correctly now.

EDIT: just checking, but which editor are you using? Im using the official editor here on
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Hmm, here it works normal.

Be sure that there is only 1 "LeMans_1991.AIW" file in the whole rFactor installation folder.

And try it with deleting the "LeMans_1991.hat" file in the folder ..\UserData\LOG\HAT

EDIT Yes, me too

If it still don't runs normal, do this:
-delete the Locations folder of the Le Mans 1991
-install it again
-replace the AIW with the one from me and try again
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I tried reinstalling and deleting the .hat file, but it did not fix the problem. However I found using standing starts instead of rolling starts fixed the problem. Im fine with using standing starts, so I wont bother you further with fixing how the race is started. Im sure the issue is soemthing bizarre on my end so Im letting it go.

But I do want to know how you fixed the pit stops for the AI, as I need to do this for other tracks. I viewed your AIW file and noticed the new pit locations have waypoints and red branch lines leading to the pit path to help guide the AI there.
I had a major breakthrough

Before loading the game I deleted all the pit locations and garage spots in the AIW file except one. Thats the key for me, I had to leave one original pit location and garage stall alone, at least for now. Next I added my own pits and garage stalls, even overwriting the last pitlocation/garage stall. I then exited the editor to the games main menu, and then re-entered the editor. Now my custom pit locations have the red waypoints to help guide the AI.

Thank you everyone for helping me, I appreciate it.
So i am a little late now:)

But, just to answer the question what i did....

Because i basically am a "lazy dog", i just took the original AIW, copied the new Pit-/Garage-Locations from your AIW and pasted it over the ones from the original AIW.
Entered the game with the editor, controlled if all waypoints for the Pit-Locations had been generated, saved waypoints again and finished.

So it seems that, no matter which way you choose, copy/paste or editing, you really always will have to set completely new Pit-Locations, to get waypoints generated.
And they really seem to be necessary for the AI to Pit in a regular way.
