AIW + RCD + GEN files: In the same track some mods run fine, others don't


Hey guys,

I'm not a car modeler, I'm just into track creation, so I'd like to ask something.
What most controls the car behavior on the track? I figure out the following points:

  • Driver's talent file (DRIVERNAME.RCD)
  • Either if TRACKNAME.INI file is present into the car folder (track learning files)
  • Car physics (?)
  • AIW track file

I'm struggled trying to find out what make some mods work well in the track and others don't. Actually the AIW is already verified (no crazy or crossing corridors, no wrong materials flags in TDF and so on). Talent files really improve the lap times but it seems have few impact in the driving line. It seems be more related to the throttle charge and break points.

Now I'm wondering about Car physics.

For instance, the tests that I came through:

  • Mod ILMS Carpe Noctem GT2 Cars - Crashers and going out of the track all the time
  • Mod ILMS Carpe Noctem GT1 Cars - Runs good in general.
  • Mod ILMS Carpe Noctem Prototype Cars - mostly crashers.
  • Mod F1 CTPD 2005 - Excellent behavior, they're fast and crash very seldom.
  • Mod F1 1992 F1-S-R: Demolition derby, unplayable.
  • ISI's Panoz (all classes): Very clean line, no problems at all.
  • Mod F1 1971 - out of the control, more cars out the track than in.

Every tests done with 100% AI strength and 50% agression.

So I ask you, does the mod's physics screw the AI cars behavior depending on the track layout?

Link to ILMS Mod: Internationale Du Mans
Link to F1 1992 Mod: F1-1992
AFAIK, track surface grip and how corridors are set has the most effect on AI behavior. But I believe it still has small importance compared on how the actual AI settings in the mod have been set up.
I see,

What do these lines mean? (HDV file)

AIAimSpeedsPerWP=(26.0, 34.0, 42.0, 55.0, 75.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0)
There are comments in the ISI files for those lines.

First one is "Speeds at which to look ahead X waypoints". In your example there, at 26 m/s* it'll look ahead 1 waypoint, at 34 m/s 2 waypoints, ... obviously the faster you're going the less interested you are in what's 5-10m in front of you (each waypoint is approx. 5m) because you're soon going to arrive at the point 20, 30, 40m in front of you. Not sure about your example having the last 3 figures the same, seems a bit strange.

*I'm assuming m/s because it's the SI unit... but it does mean there are some pretty high speeds in some of these files.

Second one, "(pointspeed/this number)= % deceleration we can expect through a point". So higher numbers would be used for cars that need to slow more for corners generally (lower cornering ability).
Lazza, that's it.

AIAimSpeedsPerWP=(30.0, 54.0, 68.0, 82.0, 100.0, 120.0, 150.0, 185.0) // Speeds at which to look ahead X waypoints (spaced roughly 5 meters apart)
AISlipReaction=(100.0, 30.0)     // prediction factor for front wheel grip loss (higher numbers increase sensitivity), how quickly AI increase throttle after grip loss has occurred (higher numbers reduce "coasting")
AICornerReductionBase=165.0       // (pointspeed/this number)= % deceleration we can expect through a point
AIMinPassesPerTick=3              // Minimum passes per tick (can use more accurate spring/damper/torque values, but takes more CPU)
AIRotationThreshold=0.15          // Rotation threshold (rads/sec) to temporarily increment passes per tick
AIEvenSuspension=1.0              // Averages out spring and damper rates to improve stability (0.0 - 1.0)
AISpringRate=1.0                  // Spring rate adjustment for AI physics
AIDamperSlow=0.5                  // Contribution of average slow damper into simple AI damper
AIDamperFast=0.5                  // Contribution of average fast damper into simple AI damper
AIDownforceZArm=1.5             // Hard-coded center-of-pressure offset from vehicle CG
AIDownforceBias=0.0               // Bias between setup and hard-coded value (0.0-1.0)
AITorqueStab=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)      // Torque adjustment to keep AI stable
AIFuelMult=-1.0                   // PLR file override for AI fuel usage - only positive value will override, see PLR for default
AIPerfUsage=(0.98, 0.90, 0.90)    // PLR file overrides for (brake power usage, brake grip usage, corner grip usage) used by AI to estimate performance - only positive values will override, see PLR for defaults
AITableParams=(40000.0, 15.0)     // PLR file overrides for (max load, min radius) used when computing performance estimate tables - only positive values will override, see PLR for defaults

I've just paste that in the HDV of the problematic mod and the drivers became all of them Schumachers, Sennas and Prosts... no more to worry about.
