Aliasing with HD 7950 OC


Hi! My name is Sebastián. I'm Argentinean.

Need if anyone can help me with the AA configuration. Looks very ugly, with NVIDIA didn't have this problem.


Sorry for my bad English!
First, try the in-game anti-aliasing, try to use Level 3 anti-aliasing.

If the problem still exists, then you can use anti-aliasing from AMD Vision Engine Control Center (the new name for ATI Catalyst Control Center (CCC)).

Use the lowest level first (2x), with Box filter and AA mode set to Super Sampling, see if those jaggies are gone. If not, increase the the level until the jaggies are gone.

Lastly, if your monitor supports high vertical resolution (more than 1080), use it. At higher vertical resolution, the aliasing is minimal (sometimes even completely gone), and you can use the lowest level of anti-aliasing to reduce them.

ps. Do not use AA from in-game and Control Center at the same time, or you might end up with very low FPS in games.
Well, sorry if that didn't work out for you. However, accidentally I was just ran rFactor using 1280x800, and the anti-aliasing was set to 8x SSAA (super sampling) via CCC. Anisotropic Filter setting in CCC was set to Application Setting. In game AA was disabled. In game AF was set to 16x. I saw very minimal aliasing using this setup.

By the way, rFactor (1 and 2) is known to have problem with aliasing in ATI cards, they are very hard to get rid of completely.
i have the same problem: with 7950 Gigabyte AA set on Catalyst Center doesn't work
I set AA by Catalyst Center, Anisotropic and other, selectting "overwrite program settings" (or equal, I'm italian and my CC is in italian..). In rF config I seti AA level 2 and anisotropic 16x in display settings (i think I can turn off all in rf settings)
Now it'all ok!
Sorry for my english...
Hi! My name is Sebastián. I'm Argentinean.

Need if anyone can help me with the AA configuration. Looks very ugly, with NVIDIA didn't have this problem.


Sorry for my bad English!

Set AA Mode to supersample in CCC and override application settings (turn off in game AA). Expect a performance hit though.
