Anti-Aliasing (Edge-Detect) with HD6950


I have some troubles with my new video card AA settings (HD6950, 1680x1050 resolution). I don`t know whether its normal, or problem with drivers (latest 11.1hotfix) or my card. Previously I had HD4770 card, same resolution, and was using 12xMSAA (Edge Detect), and it was good quality, no big jagged lines, no shimmering. Now even if I set 8xEQ MSAA quality is really bad, jagged lines on the track edge, fences. And biggest mystery is Edge-Detect not working at all. Screenshot with 8xEQ MSAA looks identical to 24xEQ MSAA, even FPS stays the same. Only 8x Super Sampling gives clear picture without jagged lines and shimmering, but with some mods with many cars in front of me FPS drops to 30-40 with 8xSSAA.

Here is 8xEQ MSAA screenshot. 24xEQ MSAA looks absolutely the same. 8x Adaptive MSAA also looks the same, only all transparent textures of track objects are missing for some reason. All the jagged lines here start to shimmer in motion :(. I didn`t had this with 4770.

Is this normal? Can some one with HD6xxx card confirm that Edge-Detect not working at all? What your screenshot at S/F line at Monza looks like?

8x Super Sampling looks good, but drops fps with heavy scenery.

Also, it looks like this is true for all other games I have, but rFactor (rFactor2) is my main priority.
Yes and no in the same time. On Ati cards aliasing is more noticable than on nV cards (HD6950 vs GTX 295) but on both you have to turn on Super Sampling to really get rid of it, and we are talking about aliasing on white lines etc. (because on object edges, both Ati and nV do good job with standard AAx8).
Thanks for the link, Jorgen, but that thread is almost about nV cards. I`ve tried almost all options combinations with no effect. Whats really interesting for me is why with 4770 I was not using super sampling and had no big jagged lines and no shimmering, and with 6950 Edge-Detect not working at all, and only good quality option is Super Sampling.

Look at this screens somebody posted on no-grip forums:
8xAA -
8xAA Edge detect (24x) -

You can clearly see Edge Detect has effect on the line under the fence. Thats what is not working for me and I have no idea why. I spend few days Google-ing it, nobody seems to report this. Thats why I ask for owners of similar HD cards to help me compare AA. My only hope for now is for 11.2 driver, which is about to be released.
I too have upgraded to an HD 6950 and I am having the same results. I have adjusted everything up down and sideways in the CCC, rfconfig and in game with no acceptable results. Im running the latest drivers 12.1.
I hope to see a solution soon, very disappointed with the quality, shimmering and jagged lines that cannot be overcome by the latest CCC.
Hope to see a solution and this thread in the [Solved] section.
I found something you can try it seemed to work the best for me.
Change rfconfig.exe to Level 1, Use allow application settings in CCC for AA and AF, Catalyst AI to High Quality, Enable surface format, Wait for VR "off unless App specifies", AA Mode to SSAA, Open GL Triple buffering "off".

I have tried everything, and naturally would have AA set to Level 6 in rfconfig.exe, or to none and try to control it in CCC, but just by chance I went through all the AA levels and was pleased with this setting. Give it a try and let me know. GL

Also in game everything is full, 16XAF, Shadows High, Shadow Blur is off
I get a black screen with edge detect selected (6970 12.1 drivers)
based on my experience with a 6990 i found the edge detect to work good in some games and not so much in others, i found the EQ aa no different in any game whatsoever than the non-eq version, i would usually just go box with adaptive, or if it could handle it super sampling
