any tutorial?

Kevin Nappert

i play rfactor for a long time and im in a league. This year i complete my 3d formation so every body in my league asking me to make cars and track but the problem is im still looking for tutorial. Poeple who know how is work, how you name all your stuff, how you compile it, poeple who know how seems to keep it secret!

If soemone can found the tutorial for the track and antoher one for the car and post it here in this forum, Rfactor will certainly gain in popularity for modeleur. Most of the poeple use BTB and for me btb suck. Btb is limited on the complexity of a track, limited on the detail and on the race track configuration.

Im junior in 3d but im one of those how prefer made all by my hand in 3dsmax. making a track or a car like i want to be. I have a realistic track to make, i dont want to make is close to the real one, i want to make it LIKE the real one. I dont have problem on how modeling a track, i have a problem on howwe take all thw work on 3dsmax and transfer it to rfactor. i need to know how we name stuff. do i need to do some rigging for track, or adding some helperpoint whit a particular name for a start line or a pit stop, did a i need a complex rig for a car, how we link the cluster to the trottle in game, do we need a complex rig for the car... to be short the moddeling part for me its the easy part. But to transfer my creation to rfactor thats where i can't find proper tutorial.

maybe you think its the job of a gamer like me who know how to do it to answer, yeah maybe go for it). but my post is for the staff of rfactor to make a good one, clean an easy, to make rfactor regain some poppularity and to continue having some new stuff after the years.

i like to play games but i prefer those where i can be part of it

