ATI and NVIDIA updates


We should start a thread, err in hardware. p

Include any tools you feel useful as well
Hopefully this time AMD manages to sort their driver-architecture problem, as reported by AMD actually knew this problem for almost a year and yet did almost nothing about it. Only after the new benchmark method used by TR is getting more attentions, AMD finally do something about it.
Haven't tried it yet in rF2, but it didn't do me any good in Minecraft, heheh.

I really need to figure out why I am getting a 2 second pause in graphics about every 10 to 30 seconds.
mills b inner track went from roughly 80/90 fps to 100/110 fps gtx 680 ere.
Any performance boost at RF2 Abriel ?

I don't know, I don't have much time to race these days and rF2 is working fine anyway so I don't really test every driver to see if there is any difference in FPS. All I can say is that it works without problems.
MSI Afterburner Version v2.3.1

* Now MSI Afterburner optionally allows you to detect VRM defaults without rebooting the PC
* Added voltage control support for UEFI GOP BIOS for MSI R7970 Lightning Boost Edition series graphics cards
* Now MSI Afterburner displays the list of assigned global hotkeys in “i” window
* Now MSI Afterburner properties window is resizable to provide compatibility with low-resolution desktops (less than 1280x1024 with 100% DPI)
*Added new “Enable hardware control and monitoring” option to compatibility properties. This option can be useful if you are using MSI Afterburner for framerate monitoring and videocapture only and don't want to risk suddenly overclocking your PC
*Added NCT7511Y thermal sensors support to provide compatibility with future MSI graphics cards
*Added workaround for possible VID rounding issues for all supported voltage generator models
*Updated Italian localization
* MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.5.0. New version gives you the following improvements:
1. Improved audio mixer architecture provides better extendibility and better audio tracks synchronization when mixing multiple audio tracks in one
2. Push-To-Talk audio recording support. Now you can assign a hotkey for each audio stream and record unmuted audio only when the hotkey is pressed
3. Updated German localization
I get massive stuttering with nvidia 313..96 :(

I initially got some stuttering doing an express install, then I uninstalled and did a complete custom install, and the performance has been great since then. With 3 1080p monitors on a GTX680 4GB, I can max everything out at AA Level 4 and shadows on medium and get a decent frame rate (60+) doing laps on my own. Lime Rock looks amazing. Racing requires me to lower some of the settings to "high", but still looks and runs great. I'd love to be able to keep everything on "Full" including shadows, but I think it looks awesome now. I wonder how much optimization ISI can do vs. NVidia?
I am not very happy with my performance here.
have a 7970 VFX3D OC with a 2700k I7 8gb ram 64bit W7 and get with standard amd game settings (13.2 beta6) every thing maxed out hdr on
about 60 fps with 1920x 1080
this is what the system has loads :
gpu load is about 80 to 95% cpu as you can see in no way near by 100%
does somebody have the same loads and frames with a comparable system?
As soon as I go to tripple screen it gets horrible about 20 frames.
will try to capture system behaviour tomorrow.
on questions to the virtual cpus:
This is a quadcore with virtual on (so I have 8 cores in W7), do you drive the system with just the 4 real cores or do you have virtual on as well?
I know some AMD users have got fps and gpu usage improvements from turning one or both of the reflection settings off.

As for the hyperthreading, some people claim better fps/lower temps with it off, others say it makes no difference, I guess it's one of those things you have to try for yourself.
I also have this Vcard with I7-3820 low fps

I am not very happy with my performance here.
have a 7970 VFX3D OC with a 2700k I7 8gb ram 64bit W7 and get with standard amd game settings (13.2 beta6) every thing maxed out hdr on
about 60 fps with 1920x 1080
this is what the system has loads :
gpu load is about 80 to 95% cpu as you can see in no way near by 100%
does somebody have the same loads and frames with a comparable system?
As soon as I go to tripple screen it gets horrible about 20 frames.
will try to capture system behaviour tomorrow.
on questions to the virtual cpus:
This is a quadcore with virtual on (so I have 8 cores in W7), do you drive the system with just the 4 real cores or do you have virtual on as well?

Display settings in the game report 680mb ram with my 7970 series card yet I have 3gig of ram on the card.

Used to have set manualy the config file in RF1 to see all available video ram. Maybe RF2 is the same?
I have not been able to find the config file in RF2 though.
I too have poor frame rate like you.
Display settings in the game report 680mb ram with my 7970 series card yet I have 3gig of ram on the card.

Used to have set manualy the config file in RF1 to see all available video ram. Maybe RF2 is the same?
I have not been able to find the config file in RF2 though.
I too have poor frame rate like you.

There are two Config.ini files that I found. I have the same card and changed the vid memory to 3072. However in the sim, the video settings still show 718. So the question remains as to how one makes the sim recognize the additional memory.

I just checked and when rF Config is run. It changes the Config.ini file located in the Core directory back to 718. The Config.ini file in the UserData directory keeps the 3072 value, however is apparently not picked up by the sim.
On triple screens this driver brightens up the one monitor much more than other monitors and it cannot be corrected. Had to go back to previous driver

How about detailing your hardware ?

Obviously not the case for all triple screens.
