Bad Simulation Screen quality with ATI 7970 all maxxed out vs. bsnismo videos on YT



I really have looked arround to find a guide to reach and tweak my display to get the same quality on the screen than bsnismo's stunning videos on youtube.

I do not untertand the huge differences between the videos and what I see on my screen.

Am I too stupid to tweak, is it the Hardware ATI 7970; I7, solid frames all maxed or Samsung (smarttv) D9080 display or what?

What bsnismo show is almost realistic and "not" the graphics I see!

This really makes me upset.

Can somebody please post a complete clear guide how to get this same realistic quality.

Thanks in advance
Sorry cant help you with ATI mate would have told you to get NVidia anyways..................

Been a long year with rF2 but i think now we are beginning to see signs of what rF2 will finally be come gold. It's been slow progress but it's getting there i think.

Gee .............that is so deep man. !


Hideous sound track.
Can you please post a video of your gameplay? You can use a program such as Fraps to record it. Or at least some screenshots
Assuming the videos on YT are not edited...try some of custom HDR profiles by Tosch.
