Sure the comment says something, but what exactly? IDK.// inertia per meter of thickness
Roughly, I've seen values around this used 0.700.
The Panoz has values from ~2 to ~6.
So off to the solid modeling program I go.
I get
Ixx and Iyy as .078 kg m^2
and Izz as .149 kg m^2
Disc is 350mm in dia. and 33mm thick.
Inner radius is 0.109m
Rear is 330mm/ 28mm
Inner radius is 0.1035 m
Ixx=Iyy=0.070 kg m^2
Izz=0.133 kg m^2
Z is the rotational axis.
Numbers aren't close, but my thickness is also not a meter.
If I were to default to basic shapes, I would use a tube:
or with density:
Density of cast steel=7850 kg/m^3
Solving for Iz using 1 meter of thickness gives 9.824... kg m^2
If "Solid Izz"/"Target Izz"=.033/1,
.033* TIzz= SIzz
SIzz/.033=TIzz=4.515 kg m^2 (a very Panoz like number).
Your thoughts are welcome on the subject.