Bump Stops - reloaded


Hi guys,

i found another thread about this topic but it was in "general discussions" and a pretty old one, so i start a new one.

Yesterday i did some testing on some Bump stops tuning and something very strange happened.

Even setting the rate of the bump stop to 0 (both Spring and Rising Rate), when putting them in a way to have an engagement on track, i saw with motec they were limiting suspension displacement, more or less like a stiff packer would do (no more compression although load was increasing). If their rate is 0, this should not happen theoretically.
I did this test because of another issue i had immediately before: when setting Spring and Rising Rate to non-zero values (although to very low ones), i could clearly see with motec the suspension starting to extend again when hitting the bump stop. So like if, when load is < x and displacement < y, bump stop is not working; then as soon as displacement is > y, bump stop is engaged and it forces the spring/damper assy to become longer than how it was immediately before to get in contact with the bump stop. This again makes physically no sense. Also because afterwards, with load going on increasing, the suspension stays on a more or less fixed displacement value and oscillating only on big bumps, but still being longer than how it was before hitting the bump stop.

Reading the other thread, i understood how to create bumper curves, but here we are talking of strange phenomenon with very low or even no stiffness.

Any idea?

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