Can objects be shown only if certain teams are present?

R Soul

I'm working on my pit garages and I know from experience that I can have garage door objects called pdoor# which are hidden if team # is present. Does anyone know if there's an object naming system that allows the opposite to be true?

I'm thinking of putting a few objects in the garages and I think it would be nice if they only appear when garage is occupied.
Many thanks for your reply. I made some basic 'ptent' objects and tested in game:

Here it is with just me:

Here is is after adding a few AI cars:

As with the doors we have to start with ptent00 and work up from there. I also tried pbox but all the objects were shown, so I'm not sure what that name does.

Only the instance names have to be changed, so the scn entry can be something like this:
  MeshFile=wall41_s0.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False ShadowReceiver=True
though there's no harm in renaming the gmt files as well.
Cool! :) I think it's "pitbox<nn>" and not "pbox<nn>" if you want the team presence effect by the way.
Ah, thanks. I misread that. It looks like pitbox does the same thing as ptent. One of my pitboxes didn't vanish when I booted the AI, but that could have just been a glitch.
