Can't move car in AIW editor


I have finally gotten my track in game and I am trying to drive it. I spawn a little bit above my track and when I try to move the car, nothing happens. It seems to be hung up on something in the sky. When I use ctrl+alt+shift it just glitches around not letting me move. Is their a way to fix this?
Do you have a screenshot you could post here? I had this problem before as well (well I think I did), be sure to check in your 3d editor that you have Meters set as the units of measurement when you export.
Make sure the track is CollTarget=True and HatTarget=True, also that the road material is named road or a mat name that corresponds to the tdf file.
In 3d editor, set where you want the spawn point to be in 3dland to 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, then either remove the aiw file and fire up the aiw editor, or edit the aiw file and set all garage locations to 0.0, 0.0, 0.0. If you plan to redo the aiw, then best thing to do is delete the existing aiw file and start from scratch.
*You don't need an aiw file to start the aiw editor, it will work with out it.
My units of measurement are in meters, and the materials are named correctly. It looks exactly like your screen shot. I also don't have an AIW file in the folder. 0,0,0, is a couple of meters above my track but I am just glitched out in the sky.
Well, I think I have meters set as default. In max, do you do customize>units setup and select metric? If so I have done that. I have also done everything else suggested so it must be the units.
I changed that as well, but it still won't work. If in my tdf I have road as the material name, can I use road01 as a material? Or is there some other naming system I need to use?
Materials used in gmt objects have to be defined in tdf file. I have no idea though, is there any required naming scheme for track, off-road etc. materials.
Did you try removing your TDF temporarily and let the track work from the default rFactor TDF?
road01 will work.
the track needs to be a hattarget and collidable.
0,0,0. needs to be where you want the car to spawn.
If, 0,0,0 is a little above the track will the car fall down onto it, or do I need to make it right on the track? Also, the road has the HATTarget and Colltarget set to true.
I've uploaded the track if one of you want's to see if it will work for you.

There are some issues you must fix in order to run on your track.

1 - Your track has not a TDF file. Copy some TDF from another ISI track to your track folder and rename it to Greenspace.TDF

2 - Open the TDF which you copied and renamed, first section of the file is just coments (lines with "//" at start don't count"), scroll down untill see "//Roads", at the bottom line of this section change the line to:


3 - Your road material has a no valid texture. Replace the difuse material called "track01.ifl" by "". You have this texture in your maps folder, so it's not a big deal. Save your GMT again with this correct material.

4 - Your GDB file is not pointing the TDF file. Check this line out:

TerrainDataFile =

Replace by "TerrainDataFile = Greenspace.tdf" instead.

5 - In your SCN file, add a line to search files in the root of your track:

SearchPath=GAMEDATA\LOCATIONS\GREENSPACE-RACEWAY\ (it's important because TDF file is in root directory).

6 - Delete the MAS file and 000 file present in your root directory. You don't need to concerning about pack files at this stage and the GMTs and MAPs are still unpacked in your folders. You might leave this point for the last stage of track building because if you have a GMT packed in a MAS file, the game engine will load it before than the unpacked (and corrected) GMT of your folder "GMT". Pay attention on that.

That's it, I did these modifications and eventualluy I was able to race normally in your track.

Edit -> Probably you'll want to break your road.gmt in smaller pieces afterwards and, mostly, get the grass portions apart of the tarmac for several reasons.

Good luck
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