Can't use new car in old MOD (help needed)


Hi, everybody! This is my first post here.

Would you be so kind to help me to solve this problem.

I have rfactor F1 2012 F1RMT MOD. I like it very much, but I'd like to have new car texture (painting of 2014)
I've downloaded new mod F1 VFR 2014. I tried it, it's good, but I got used to F1RMT

Unfortunately new textures in DDS files (for example Williams) have different format (layout) comparing to old files.
Is if possible to take just new textures, new model (Form.mas AFAIK) and place (copy) it into 2012 mod.
I tried it but, can't do it. Either I got different errors, or I don't see car in game.

I dont really care about new sounds, models, new features, etc. Just new car texture will be fine for me.
Could you help me please?
I'm not exactly sure if i understood you right, but the bodyparts of the cars are arranged on the texture that is used for the skin (template).
So every part has a special position on the texture.

Normally it would be a big fluke, that the skin of a car from mod A, fits a car of mod B.

I guess you will have to look if there is a updated skinpack or single Skins available, or you have to paint the skins by yourself.
Yes, I totally understand this.
That's why I tried to copy all DDS files and MAS file (car model I guess) I guess new textures must fit a new model.

e.g. For Williams I copied form.mas file and subfolders Williams_16, Williams_17. But it didn't help.
Confusion here :D
Do the MAS-files of both mods have same names?
Even if they have, you would need the gen-files too and would have to make some other changes, to make them work in game as wanted.
It can't be explained in a few words.
I made some screenshots in Total Commander that show file names.
On the left panel - my installed 2012 mod
On the right - new VFR mode. From here I want to take new cars. (Only model and textures)

PS I wish I could find DDS skins (season 2014) for cars of F1RMT mod, but the mod is no longer supported.
Like i've said before, it can't be explained in a few words.

And there also is too less information to give a helpful answer.

For example, i would have to know the content of the upgrade files and some other things.

What is exactly what you want?
Do you care about the sounds?

Maybe in your case the "easiest" solution would be, to transfer the physics from the 2012 mod to the 2014 version and not the cars from 2014 to 2012.
Do you care about the sounds?
I don't care much about sound. New or old doesn't matter.
Maybe in your case the "easiest" solution would be, to transfer the physics from the 2012 mod to the 2014 version and not the cars from 2014 to 2012.
May be this is it.
I wish I have
1) the same view from cockpit (height, angle)
2) the same car behavior (may be this is physics). Bumping, not so jerkily drive when I accelerate. And I don't need that huge roll of a car on every turn.
3) And... In old mod I drive good. In new mod, on the same tracks I can't follow the road bends just everywhere. There's an impression that I got to learn the game from start :( I don't know if it's different physics or car setups.

BTW cockpit view can be fixed by coping old files "Williams_CockpitInfo.ini" and ""
Other physics... I don't know.
Because i don't have the mods here to try it out, i hope the following steps will cause what you want.

To transfer the Physics ( and it's only the physics, nothing with view or something else), take the following files from the F12012 folder and copy them into the F12014 folder:

Delete or rename the original files:

and rename the files:

And in the F12014_Upgrades file (i guess it should be there), replace all entries belonging to the tbc files from the 2014 to the 2012 Version.

Then try.

Maybe the tires will look a bit strange on the road, as if they would sink under the roadsurface.
If so, take the values of the entries:
from the 2014 tbc files and overwrite the entries in the 2012 files.

I hope i didn't forget anything.
I guess the "driving-feeling" will be a little bit different anyway, depending on the 3D-models.

If that don't works, post the download-links from both mod-versions that you use.
