car bouncing



is there a way to reduce the force of car bouncing when for exemple it crash a wall?

I mean, when I crash I see the car rotate and re-bounce in track like a top (the toy)
I don't know what a "top" is :), but i would start with checking the Mass and Inertia settings in the *.HDV file of the car.
this is a top :)

I tried to modify mass and inertia in hdv as you told, but it changes all the car fisic
is there any similar setting in some track's file?

thanks :rolleyes:
I would say no. The behaviour of the car has to be set in the car-files.

What exactly (before-->after) did you change with mass and inertia?
You will have to follow some rules there :)

it's like to drive with an elephant on the roof of the car :)
I just made some change, but when I saw any modification changes the car fisic.. I just stoped to test
now is:

Mass=1300 // all mass except fuel (1220+80 driver)
Inertia=(1482.2, 1720.0, 392.6) // (1652.2, 1910.0, 412.6) all inertia except fuel

I changed to 2000 the mass... and really don't know how to change inertia
Seems as if somebody has lowered the values.
I would say that the values behind the // are the right ones for the Mass of 1300.
Try it out with leaving the Mass at 1300 and change the Inertia into this:
Inertia=(1652.2, 1910.0, 412.6)

For more Information about e.g. how to calculate the right Inertia, visit THIS Website.

And don't set the Mass to 2000 again, it's a Racing-Car and no Stretch-Limo ;)
no bouncing changes.. no problem, it was just a detail, a worry

I think it's an impossible idea, because my track it's a gravel track, so the curbs are part of the track and when I crash they have the same reaction of the ground

thanks anyway as allways :eek:
The information that you have this reaction on a track you are currently working on, should have been written in your first posting. ;)

And a little other formulation of it too, would have brought the right (completely different to the given ones) answers to you then.
