thats not really exactly the thing, i tested it.I made as example an 1920x1200 BK_main.bmp and set it on the right line in Ui.osc with xy position,and all commands that are needed.
Ingame not worked correct,the 1920x1200 bmp was streched over.I can see only the Top left side of the pic.Position set 0,0,1920,1200. logic.becauce all other filelinks in the ui.osc was not placed/writen right.
So that was the reason why i try to get it all to work. (btw thx for the information with rFactor back in 2005....) pls don`t get angry or missunderstud, i work on that MOD since 2007,so have this infos along time before.Much things are finished.Others not.Make an mod all allone take much time, i don`t spare on effort.<- not sure if this is right,my english is bad.
Yes,thats true i do create not only one whole OSC, it gets more.Its a lot of work.But ok.I know that mates.
I tried to get contact with Riff,my last email to him was,ehm,i think three weeks ago on rfcentral.Not sure,maybe he is on vacation in Haiti or something like this.I never get an answere from him.
And this would be great,because he knows the programing language witch is used in the osc. and know the commands.
You see,thats all not so easy.but really thx for your help.