Change Menu Resolutions


Hallo at all,

how to change the MENU Resolutions in Rfactor to higher?
Not the Ingame Resolution.
Menu resolution is the same like game res.
But textures used in menus doesn't match it and are stretched. Especially fonts looks blured.
You can prepare font on your own or (I suggest this option) use xUI mod. It will replace whole philosophy of rfactor gui also replacing fonts by greater res ones.
Not bad,but i checked up many months ago the xui. its nice,a lot off work made there.But it`s not what i am looking for.
I hear that it will be possible to set/hack the resolution for the menus in the rfacotr.exe with hex or cff or something like this.
The reason why i need to change this,is that the normal used bmp`s have the standard resolution(800x600),but you know that.
What you said,by higher game resoluiton they getting streched. And bmp´s made in 800x600 look really,really terrible in 1920x1200.

But i get order to make a new UI.osc for a mod.And i working here with 1920x1200.The Idea is to make more ui.osc which will be latter choseable for user to change to there used Resolution over an extra exe file.
Like in Bruce helment view.
So klick the exe will popup before the game starts a small Window and than the user can chouse for the mod the right menuresolution,same principle like the normal rfactor.config for the ingame/driving resolution
modui.osc`s all xy are changed to the right resolutions,i mean all,the used fonts,used grafixs,all what is linked over the ui.osc for the mod..
So you want to run UI with just another screen resolution?
Don't know if possible. But the result will be worse than stretched texture. Especially if you are using LCD monitor (I bet you are)
yes Dell US2709w.But why they will be worse?Not understand that right.If i change all needed bmp`s and tga`s and all the stuff is needed to 1920x1200,than why this looks worse?
The reason is that every team has defined by ui.osc his own showroom.First time i made all the showroom Images in 800x600.But the game resolution is 1920x1200.
And the Screens looked in the Mainmenu terrible when they was streched.Only thing i wanna change is the Backgrounds resolution,but this alone did not work.I must change all needed stuff.
That`s a lot of work for my mod.ui but thats not the point.

Only how to change the to other res in menu.
The menu runs at what ever resolution you have set in rF Config.exe, just like MaXyM said. The textures were made to fit on a 800x600 screen because this was the minimum requirements for rFactor back in 2005. You would have to create whole new OSC file and all new textures to take advantage larger sizes. I have never dug into the OSC file at all. The guy to talk to is RiffRaff who wrote xUI. He is a super nice guy and would probably be a big help.
thats not really exactly the thing, i tested it.I made as example an 1920x1200 BK_main.bmp and set it on the right line in Ui.osc with xy position,and all commands that are needed.
Ingame not worked correct,the 1920x1200 bmp was streched over.I can see only the Top left side of the pic.Position set 0,0,1920,1200. logic.becauce all other filelinks in the ui.osc was not placed/writen right.

So that was the reason why i try to get it all to work. (btw thx for the information with rFactor back in 2005....) pls don`t get angry or missunderstud, i work on that MOD since 2007,so have this infos along time before.Much things are finished.Others not.Make an mod all allone take much time, i don`t spare on effort.<- not sure if this is right,my english is bad.

Yes,thats true i do create not only one whole OSC, it gets more.Its a lot of work.But ok.I know that mates.
I tried to get contact with Riff,my last email to him was,ehm,i think three weeks ago on rfcentral.Not sure,maybe he is on vacation in Haiti or something like this.I never get an answere from him.
And this would be great,because he knows the programing language witch is used in the osc. and know the commands.

You see,thats all not so easy.but really thx for your help.
I don't know if I'd go so far as to say the OSC is written in a 'programming language', though it obviously does have a syntax. But it's all pretty self-explanatory, several hours of looking at how things are organised should get you pretty much sorted. I find the most important thing is to be very very clear on the design you're looking at doing, so you only need to edit the OSC once - putting everything in and then deciding this needs to be 20 px to the left, that 150 px wider, etc etc would almost be like starting from square one.

Having said that, I have no experience of using anything other than the standard 800x600, but it shouldn't be too hard to test it. And assuming it does work, it shouldn't be *too* hard to develop a number of OSC files from the base one, each referencing its own MAS files for the various size sources.

There are no special commands or 'coding' to be done in an OSC, though rFactor does have a number of 'gizmos' that were not included in the supplied GUI - grab the AIWCAM editor and run it, quit out, and you'll find 2 log files in your UserData\LOG folder (osc.information and UnusedGizmoReport.txt) that will help you understand the layout/structure of the current GUI and give you some clues as to anything that can be included. Some of the GUIs already out there (HistorX, CTDP) are also good references.
I think that will be quite a lot of work... you'll have to create all the images and the OSC for that menu at least twice: one for 1920x1200 and at least another version (800x600 would be the better option) for all those not using the first one. You may crop the backgrounds and resize the other images more or less easily, but you'll have to edit all the gizmos and relocate each one of them in each one of the different screens and there is where you're going to have the real fun :)

Doing a proper custom user interface for rfactor is really a time consuming task (even if you got the developer tool to do it), so it's hard for me to see the point of doing it twice, even more considering that soon rF2 will replace rF1 (hopefully with improved UI modding capabilities). But of course, getting into a work like that is up to you :)

