Cockpit Views


Baffling problem, maybe someone knows the answer, maybe not.

One of my mods is missing the nose in Cockpit/TVCockpit views. It has the cockpit, mirrors, interior, etc, but no body nose and the tires are visible.

I've tried creating both a consolidated nose/cockpit structure as well as two seperate GMT files and calling them from gen files. Nothing seems to work. Changed materials, shaders, cube maps, positioning, etc, again nothing seems to work.

Any suggestions?

I've been successful with a about a dozen cars so far, just can't seem to find much info about cockpit views.
Hey mon, try editing the .cam file and move that camera up and down maybe even fore and aft, prolly not left or right, but . . . but I have been moving that camera alot lately and I have gotten that silly thing right in the roof line and that was the effect I got, parts of the car were not visible.
With the body nose, there is two ways of doing it. You include the nose GMT in the .GEN file section where you assign cockpit parts. Depending of course how you have constructed your exterior model. If you want your nose piece to be removable in crash, then you have to put it under FWING instance and it automatically shows in cockpit view.
