configuration question - dont laugh


i have successfully managed get have operational parachutes on drag cars, the only drawback is that it has to be done via keyboard. a friend and i setup played around with the hlglo_ds.gmt & hlglo_ps.gmt files ........the ds version is the packed chute and the ps version is the open chutes, all activated by the H key

so now i'd like to setup some header flames, using the brake light files, only trouble is they are controlled by the brake pedal, is it possible to change the activation method to the accelerator so they come on on the hit of the throttle.

The activation methods for such things are all hardcoded, i fear.

2 "Possibilities" come in my mind when i read your post.

One is, to use the "Rainlight", which is activated with the pitlane-limiter.
The other one is the animation of the tire blur, that you maybe could use.

But in both cases you will not be able to get an animation that is similar to the Backfire.

Although i don't know how many animation-sequenses rFactor accepts for the tire blur and when it starts.As said before, never played around with it. :D
i like the idea of the rainlight actually, except for the pitlane-limiter part.......if the limiter can be edited that just might be a possiblity
The disadvantage is, that you have no possibilty for a good animation with it.
There would the tire-blur be the better choice, i would say, without having tested if that would make sense.
