Connection Lost only at Nordschleife



I've a connection lost issue, but only at Nordschleife. Any other track i've no problem. I think because the track is too long, and the sectors are too far, after i crossed the finish line i got the CL, if i just in the pit, no problem. Anyone had the same problem before?
Is it your own server?

Sector lenght should not be a problem i think, never seen such an issue anyways. but it could be client/server communication where the server is failing to send you updated information (packetloss) which then tells the server the client is not actualy there and boots.

Are there other drivers whom can tell you what the server message is? if its 'server didnt recieve info from client' then its packetloss i think.
If its random/unstable packeltoss then it would make sense it happens more on the Nordschleife then on shorter tracks.
No, it's not my server. I play in a Hungarian server, so it's a bit far. Nothing server message, just how i left the game, so like when you just quit the game normally, nothing special message.
And what are you pinging vs others? if its like 300+ its prolly the connection.

I asume you have no issues offline with this track so i would want to test the same track on another server to determin if its on your end or the servers end.
normally my ping about 60-120, but for sure, sometimes bit more, but now my connection looks like ok, and the average ping about 60-100 was the last two days, when i testing at Nordschleife.
I tested another track on the same server and i had no problem. I tried two mods and 3 tracks, but i got a CL only when i run in Nordschleife
120 is good enough i think so thats not the problem.

Can you get a hold of the server admin? perhaps ask him to increase up/download speed on the server to the max 8042kbps.

I dont think you can do much about it on your end. the only thing to make sure your connection/pc is sufficient is to do a reboot and join the server right after it. that would at least rule our certain oddities. maybe.
I'm the server admin :) and yes i tried too many different speed from 128 to 8042, but nothing changed.
But now i tried a new thing, and still working, but i don't know it works exactly from this, or no. I send an admin command few times while i run over the track, because i try to stay connected with the server.
oh ok, well that makes it easyer to test stuff then.

smart thinking about the admin commands, could help indeed. and i'm running out of ideas here :)
Hi, just wondering if anyone got to the bottom of this issue as I have the same thing. I rent a dedicated server with numerous rF and rF2 servers on it and I have no problems with any of them until Nordschleife loads up. As soon as I get to that track, I get disconnected from the server - usually around 7-10 mins after the session start. This only affects me and all others connected to the server stays that way. Using the same server that Nords is installed on, I have no issue with any other track in the rotation. I also have no issues doing full length F1 races on the same dedi. We run the Com8 v2.2a version of the track but I get the same issue with the historic '75 version as well.

I've pretty much exhausted everything I can think of to resolve this:

Complete Windows 7 reinstall
Several new rFactor installs
Shut down AV and firewalls
Entered all rF ports into my router
New dedicated server installs
Tried the latest v1255g

Whilst trying to discover a cure, I found a couple of posts relating to changing network priorities..

Not sure if anything like this would help me as it's just at one location but I've looked everywhere in my network settings and cannot see anyway of changing priorities for a programme.

My specs are:

i5 2500k
Asus Sabertooth P67 Rev3
16GB Corsair Vengeance PC3-12800
EVGA GTX670 FTW Edition
OCZ Vertex 3 GB SSD (Windows drive)
2x 128GB WD Velociraptors in RAID 0 (Games and programmes)
Samsung SpinPoint F1 750GB (General storage)

All drivers are fully up to date. I have just noticed there is a new BIOS file out for motherboard and new firmware for my SSD which I will update shortly.

Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated. :)
We've hosted NOS (by the way, wherefrom did you get the tracks? Downloadlink? And is this happening only with these 2 tracks?) many times without any problem.

And could you post a Downloadlink from the mod too?
Do you have the same problem with other mods?

The easiest way to try first is:
Host AND Clients:
- Make a fresh install with e.g. rFactor light.
- only install the track and the mod
- done
- no plugins, no other tracks, no other mods, no no no ;)

and now try.
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I had same problem 2 yars ago in my server with a specific nordschleife track and never get a solution. weird thing...
We've hosted NOS (by the way, wherefrom did you get the tracks? Downloadlink? And is this happening only with these 2 tracks?) many times without any problem.

And could you post a Downloadlink from the mod too?
Do you have the same problem with other mods?

The easiest way to try first is:
Host AND Clients:
- Make a fresh install with e.g. rFactor light.
- only install the track and the mod
- done
- no plugins, no other tracks, no other mods, no no no ;)

and now try.

Hi, thanks for the reply and apologies for my delayed response. I can't remember where the Nords 75 track came from but I know the modern track was the one by Com8 v2.2a. I'm the only one I race with who has this issue and it is not mod specific at all - happens with DRM, Historic GT&TCC, RaceX mod to name but a few. I've tried many a fresh install (inc v1255g) with no plugin's, one mod, one track etc but same issue remains.

This issue has spanned a couple of our rFactor server installs but we have yet to try doing a completely fresh server install with just the mod and track so will try that next :)
Just add another rfactor to the server mate, much easier to bugtest.
What we do at our servers is to create 1 rfactor installation for each series/dedicated server.
And we only install the mod and the track(s) that are needed for the series.
Nothing more.
And we never have any trouble.
And when the series changes, all mod/track files get deleted before the new ones will be installed.
So we always have a "clean" rfactor installation.

And i think the fresh install you are going to make will solve your problems.
Wish you good luck :)
Ok just to update this - been a while but still no further forward :(

I made a fresh server install (v1255f) but nothing changed, almost like clockwork, end of first lap and disco. I then did a fresh v1255g server install and I thought I'd cracked it. At first, I did an hours practice test and all seemed fine. A few weeks later we were back on the server and I started disconnecting after an average of 20-30 mins online so it was still pretty much useless for me as any decent race length would be impossible. What was strange now is I wasn't getting a disconnection message - I first find out by friends on TeamSpeak telling me I've left - then shortly after I'm thrown back to the spinner with no message at all.

This was all with the Ring_2007 v2.2a track and tonight I tried the GTR-E conversion - managed to stay connected for about 20 mins then a connection lost message appeared and back to the spinner again.

I know my internet is solid (60MB Virgin line hard wired to the router) and on Saturday night I did a full race length at Singapore (as I do every F1 weekend without a single issue).

I'm pretty much out of ideas as I'm still the only one in the group this happens to :(
Hello everyone. I'm sorry for my English (google translator).

In a Spanish community have had the same problem with RF1, and we believe the problem is the line, optical fiber. The reason we do not know, but all who have this problem, they have fiber optics.

Follow here Connection lost
Hello everyone. I'm sorry for my English (google translator).

In a Spanish community have had the same problem with RF1, and we believe the problem is the line, optical fiber. The reason we do not know, but all who have this problem, they have fiber optics.

Follow here Connection lost

Did people with fibre hosts have no other internet issues at all and the disconnect only happened at the ring? I also noted that everyone listed as having a disconnection issue there was running the Home version of Vista or Windows 7 - was that ever looked into further?
I know people with w7 ultimate and optical fiber and have Connection lost. I have w7 ultimate but I have not optical fiber, and have never had this problem.
