Following the discussion on RaceDepartment.com about Team ORSM's new unleashed mod and how they sold the 3d models to some guy from another modding team, the question is if they sold the models (they say for rendering purpose's but don't you need the complete models??) over a year ago and then when ORSM released their new mod stated not for commercial use doe's the guy who brought the models over a year ago now own those models is this breach of copyright and are ISI missing out on their cut, i understand that ISI have a clause stating that 3rd party brands are the property of their respective owners but they SOLD part of their mod which to me is a legal transaction.
I am not bagging ORSM's mod in anyway in fact i use it myself and is very well made and designed i am just curious as to why they would have these models sold.
I am not bagging ORSM's mod in anyway in fact i use it myself and is very well made and designed i am just curious as to why they would have these models sold.