CPU utilization has doubled


After replacing a failed motherboard, the utilization of my 3.2GHz i5 CPU has doubled. It used to run at 40 - 50%. As far as I know everything but the motherboard is back to what it was before. The new motherboard is a major upgrade and my GTX760 now sits in a 3.0x16 instead of the 2.0x16 in the old board. I had to completely re-image the PC. The GPU drivers are 331.xx in both cases. I am running the latest rF2 build with Windows 7. I didn't think my GPU was throttled by the old motherboard, but the its utilization may be a little lower now (I have it set for 61 frames per second). Any ideas?
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After replacing a failed motherboard, the utilization of my 3.2GHz i5 CPU has doubled. It used to run at 40 - 50%. As far as I know everything but the motherboard is back to what it was before. The new motherboard is a major upgrade and my GTX760 now sits in a 3.0x16 instead of the 2.0x16 in the old board. I had to completely re-image the PC. The GPU drivers are 331.xx in both cases. I am running the latest rF2 build with Windows 7. I didn't think my GPU was throttled by the old motherboard, but the its utilization may be a little lower now (I have it set for 61 frames per second). Any ideas?

Are this ones the last to W7?

Try "pre-rendered frames=1" in Nvidia control panel.

I'm pretty convinced that 1 is what comes from default Tosch, at least with latest drivers.
I can't figure out how to do this in Nvidia Control Panel, however, the setting should be the same before and after since I am using the same drivers and haven't made this type of adjustment. I have downloaded 344.75 drivers which others have said work well with rF2; should I install these?
Thanks for the suggestion Nuno and Tosch. I installed the 344.75 drivers that I downloaded but it didn't make any difference. I really feel I that I got something set incorrectly relative to before the reimage. The ratio of the green vs the purple bar has inverted from my previous motherboard and OS image. How is this possible?

Thanks for any help.
Thanks for the suggestion Nuno and Tosch. I installed the 344.75 drivers that I downloaded but it didn't make any difference. I really feel I that I got something set incorrectly relative to before the reimage. The ratio of the green vs the purple bar has inverted from my previous motherboard and OS image. How is this possible?

Thanks for any help.

Well, usually you can set jumpers on mainboards to adjust the cpu speed hardware-wise... Might be good to check if the cpu speed is correct when gaming. Also, that it is not throttled by the new mainboard with any energie saving settings.

Or, maybe you overclocked your CPU on your old mainboard?
Thanks for the suggestion Nuno and Tosch. I installed the 344.75 drivers that I downloaded but it didn't make any difference. I really feel I that I got something set incorrectly relative to before the reimage. The ratio of the green vs the purple bar has inverted from my previous motherboard and OS image. How is this possible?

Thanks for any help.

If you set maxframerate then the green bar is less then 100% much probably because the graphic thread doesn't have to work full throttle on your new CPU.
Try removing the framerate limit and you'll se the green bar to 100% (and this is not a problem...)

The problem with the purple bar happened also to me after the last rF2 update (maybe, i'm not sure about that).
This problem is MUCH worse because when you have the purple bar at more than let's say 80%-90% there is a great risk for the physic thread to go out of realtime.
For me it became impossible to run rF2.

In two or three weeks of desperation, I did try EVERYTHING (HW and SW) but nothing worked except the GPU (AMD 7950) driver update.
And even this didn't completely solve the problem.
Now for me the purple bar is STILL pretty high compared to the past but, at least, I'm able to race online and offline.
I confirmed correct cpu clock in the bios. I had the max frames capped at 61 before and after. I run triples but on many rF1 conversion tracks the gpu will will loaf much of the time at 60% while the cpu bounces off the peg. I guess I need to buy a bigger cpu; this is frustrating because it rarely went over 50% in the old motherboard.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding but

Maybe your CPU is allowed to work harder now because you were more GPU limited before? RF2 mysteriously suffers largely when running anything other than PCI-E 3.0 @ 16x (even PCI-E 2.0 @ 16x / 3.0 @ 8x mode suffers)...
That is what I am now thinking. When I first saw this after replacing the motherboard my thought was the little GTX760 couldn't be throttled by the 2.0 x 16. Spending more time with the rF2 tracks recently I am now thinking that my CPU is only running 50% harder and my GPU is performing a bit better, so that is probably it. Thanks.
Ya, it's really weird. RFactor 2 is literally like the only videogame I know of (not just sims but any video game, period) that has such large framerate losses (10-40 %) when using anything other than PCI-E 3.0 @ 16x.
Suspecting that something was wrong with my re-image of Windows 7 Pro, I finally bit the bullet and bought Windows 10 Home and re-imaged again with that. Bam, the purple bar is back to where it was before with my original OS. It NEVER goes above 70% even with in the middle of a full field at the start of a race. Practice sessions are in the 40% range. All is normal again: rF2 isn't hard on CPU, so I knew something was wrong. With Windows 10 I had to go into "Aero" and disable "Snap" to make Windows 10 display correctly, but other than that the re-image was easy, and it runs like Windows 7 Pro did.

It looks like the problem had nothing to do with switching from PCI-E 2.0 @ 16x to PCI-E 3.0 @ 16x.
