Crashing at start


Hello everybody, my problem is pretty simple.

My rfactor wont start anymore, i had a break from playing it, and now i cant get it started anymore

It starts to this screen
and then closes :(

The dedicated server thing works normally, but i cannot access the maingame :(

I tried reinstalling the game (i have the 2008 special edition dvd one [with bmw f108] if it is for any help)
I also reinstalled newest directx (i run 9.0a, b and c all, but didnt help to get it work, now im with 9.0c and the newest version of it) and also nvidia drivers (my graphics gard is 9400gt, so for it i used the newest beta 260.99 (worked before with it so still have it))

thanks in advance for help
First see the common startup issues in the FAQ

When you reinstall rfactor and you are prompted to install directx, select YES regardless of what version you have as it may install components you don't have (this won't downgrade your directx installation).

Most startup issues are antivirus/firewall related, so see the instructions in the FAQ.

thx for the tip, but i already did those parts ;) (is it even possible to install rfactor without it? i always install it as whole :D)
that is why i started an new thread, eventhough this is bit similar on subject, but since i looked trough the faq's etc

thanks for the reply though, i hope there will be more
Try running rfconfig.exe as administrator do your settings, click ok.
start rfactor.exe as administrator.
The config has to know your gpu driver otherwise rfactor.exe will launch the rfconfig tool which need writepermission to the config.ini

If that does not work maybe we can user the cl option tracert=50, but i dont know if that will log enough when it will not come up.
But the upper stuff should work fine.

Another solution to test would be -> type Windowskey+r (run) type "msconfig", press enter.
Disable all programs in the system start and tools tab except of the microsoft services, which you can hide with that checkbox in the services tab.

Restart computer, now it just starts as it was out of the box, without virus scan, 3rd party firewall, etc.
Try starting rFactor as described above, if that still does not start go to network options and disable windows firewall.
Try again.

This all should help, if that does not help you might try updateing your gpu drivers and chipset drivers.
if that will not help you too, you should reinstall your windows.

ATTENTION: After these steps above, you should enable all secuity tools like antivirus step by step again.
With that you can "optimize" you system and disable all unneeded programs which just cost memory and ressources.
Be careful.

If you do not have the correct directx installed rFactor will give you an d3d_XX.dll missing / dx error message.
This here should always update your directX to the very latest build, which also includes stuff that rFactor1 will need.

@ISI: Your application can add rules to the windows firewall and you also should add UPNP to open needed ports for dedicated servers, etc.
Today most routers support upnp, this will help all those guys out there which are not it-professionals like we are. You should consider adding this to rFactor 2
Cool, ill try that. Thanks for the tip.
I just installed the directx manually from the rFactor cd, and it didnt help.
Also im running as admin the whole time, so understandably that didnt change much :D

Btw, what is that cl option tracert? and where can i find it
Btw, what is that cl option tracert? and where can i find it

I believe he's referring to the trace command.

Create a shortcut to your rFactor.exe (or use your existing shortcut), right-click on it, go to Properties, and in the Target box add trace=3 to the end of it. The text in the target box should look something like the following line:

"C:\Games\rFactor\rFactor.exe" trace=3

Note the trace command is outside the quotes.

Now try running rFactor again, and it'll create a log file (trace.txt) in the rFactor\UserData\Log folder, which may or may not shed some light on what is going wrong.

Just for reference, you will find a ReadMe.chm file in your rFactor folder, has lots of info including command line options and in-game admin commands etc. Well worth a read when you're back up and running.
Ok, thanks for the info.
Ill try that soon, ill reinstall the rFactor soon, ill just defrag and clean my registers before.

Only thing i can think of that ill try again before ill reinstall my xp (if those dont work), is that ill try to delete and reinstall my motherboard drivers again.

But since rest of stuff works, i think ill do that in sometime future, not yet.

Thanks for all the help guys, ill appreciate it.
Xp means that you have older hardware propably?
Do you have an nforce chipset?
Those often have an inbuild hardwarefirewall.

This would mean that you can try a differenc nic (network interface device), like the 2nd one on your motherboard or a cheap 10€ one from your hardware-dealer.
with what program do i open the readme.chm file?

i ran the trace thingy, and it said this :

NetComm.cpp 11193: NetComm checking command line: "trace=3"
game.cpp 1211: Entered Game::Enter()
osman.cpp 540: Entered OSMan::Enter()
plrfile.cpp 2314: Entered PlayerFile::Enter()
NetComm.cpp 14056: NetComm: Error opening banlist xml file

thanks for the tips again.

I remember that there was this banlist file on my player file in rFactor, but since i reisntalled it, i cant find atleast on my windows search.
Could this be the source of my problem?
Hm try moving the entire userdata folder to somewhere else or rename it.
start rFactor.exe.
Now the Game should create a new userdata folder and start in the 1st-start-mode with a wizard to create a user.
If that does not help, too, delete the new userdata folder which should be fully uppercase now ->"USERDATA".
and put the back-up folder back to the same place or re-rename it.

What does your rfconfig show to you?
Does it give error message or is something greyed out?
It should give you DX7,8,9 options and resolutions your gpu / display supports, does it ?

I bet some type of firewall is blocking your rfactor exe.
Next thing you could try is
set Disable NetComm="0" to Disable NetComm="1"
Attention! (Whils will disable all network stuff from rFactor, so just offline play)
I doubt that will help but if you tried all i mentioned above i dont know much more.

What about other things i offered?
What does the taskmanager is telling you when clicking rfactor.exe
Does it appear in the task list? Does it disappear immediately, or does it stay there and just not come up?
Hm try moving the entire userdata folder to somewhere else or rename it.
start rFactor.exe.
Now the Game should create a new userdata folder and start in the 1st-start-mode with a wizard to create a user.
If that does not help, too, delete the new userdata folder which should be fully uppercase now ->"USERDATA".
and put the back-up folder back to the same place or re-rename it.

What does your rfconfig show to you?
Does it give error message or is something greyed out?
It should give you DX7,8,9 options and resolutions your gpu / display supports, does it ?

I bet some type of firewall is blocking your rfactor exe.
Next thing you could try is
set Disable NetComm="0" to Disable NetComm="1"
Attention! (Whils will disable all network stuff from rFactor, so just offline play)
I doubt that will help but if you tried all i mentioned above i dont know much more.

What about other things i offered?
What does the taskmanager is telling you when clicking rfactor.exe
Does it appear in the task list? Does it disappear immediately, or does it stay there and just not come up?

i dont have player profile anymore, and i cant create one new either since it only flashes rFactor open briefly (tried the userdate trick, and no it doesnt start nor create new folder?)
where do i find the netcomm thing?
taskmanager said sysfader.exe once and then after it hasnt showed anything when i open it.

the rfconfig is normal, exactly like how it was before.
if it is any help, i can open the rf dedicated normally?
netcomm is in your plr file but if you dont have one....
Tried a complete reinstall of rf into an empty folder?
netcomm is in your plr file but if you dont have one....
Tried a complete reinstall of rf into an empty folder?

Dude, my rFactor works now !
I checked my usb memory stick, it had that option, tried it and bam straight on the first try !
Wicked stuff dude, thanks for all the helpers too ( i mainly race offline, online sometimes only with mates)

Thanks for all the contributors and people who gave advices of any kind.

What has the usb stick to do with your rFactor?
Interesting, tell us more ;)
Nice that its working for you now ;)
Heh, sorry, i didnt write apparently everything :D (was too excited i think)
my memory stick had my old player profile (dunno how old, doesnt matter), there i disabled the netcom option and it worked.
my message didnt make any sense without the quote and there you had to make assumption that i was meaning my plr file. ;)
ok that helped but did not fix the issue.
If you do not need the online / multiplayer stuff it should be fine, BUT.
There is something on your system which is blocking the rfactor connection which results in rf is not coming up.
yeah, one of my antivirus is blocking it, but now after i got it started again (offlinemode) i ill look to which one is blocking it later :D
Ok, i still havent gotten it to work without netcom disabled, but that doesnt matter atm.
What im thinking is weird, is that there aint any sounds in my game? (Sorry for not reporting it earlier, when i tested that did the game launch, etc i was listening to music so i didnt notice it.)
Also it doesnt recognize my contoller. (I tested it quickly with keyboard only earlier so missed this one too :( )

i have all the new drivers for my chipset, soundcard, directx, gamepad etc. and all works perfectly on other games :D
getting bit annoying when think you got something fixed and feels like it starts to crumble again :D

if anyone got any tips for either i will be more than happy to receive them.
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yeah, one of my antivirus is blocking it, but now after i got it started again (offlinemode) i ill look to which one is blocking it later :D

How many antivirus programs do you need?
heh, i refer to them all as antivirus, but what i mean is either my antivirus, fire wall or spyware/malware programm.
I think im just gonna install my operating system again, im bit tired to stuff not workig properly.
Gotta see.
Check GameData/Shared directory
It contains shaders. coreshaders.mas is default file. Others are 3rd party files and may cause problems if not removed correctly or messed up.
I just reinstalled my windows and now it works properly.
Thanks for all the input in to thread, and eventhough my problems answer wasnt found, i hope someone else could someday find some usage for this thread.
