Custom fixed setup


Hi all
does anyone know if it is possible to block sections of the setup in the server or in the physics?

thanks in advance...
[ Game Options ] in the plr file you host server with chance
QUICK FreeSettings="-1" // -1=use RFM/season/GDB default, or add to allow minor changes with fixed/parc ferme setups: 1=steering lock, 2=brake pressure, 4=starting fuel, 8=fuel strategy 16=tire compound, 32=brake bias, 64=front wing, 128=engine settings
MULTI FreeSettings="45"

45 is allowed steerlook fuel and much other
the other is as its told

you have a good setup you wanna use so all drivers use same setup
Fixed Setups="1" // use fixed setups specified in UserData\<plr>\ (based on track and vehicle class)

open add tracks and where the setup you have on your rfactor folder to see what track to add look at DedicatedMeganeTrophyV2.ini file for example to write in right track name
