Dedicated server and plugins questions


First of all, does the plugins folder need to contain any plugins at all in a dedicated server only installation? (Mine currently has IRCPlugin, NetCommUtilPlugin, RaceCastPlugin and rFactorTrackIRPlugin in it)

Second, I once wrote a scoring plugin which doesn't seem to receive any sort of session start/end or scoring information when using it in a dedicated server. (It works when using it while playing the game though) I read that setting the multiplayer.ini "Pause While Zero Players" parameter to 0 might help, but that doesn't do the trick. The scoring information just says "Test day" and no players show up. I also tried compiling the internals plugin just to see if it got any session start/stop or scoring information, but it was the same issue with that one. Is it supposed to work, and if so, what needs to be configured to make it work?

Thanks in advance for any pointers in the right direction.
Hi Jorgen,

the most essential plugin is the NetCommUtilPlugin.dll on a dedicated server, the rest you mentioned can be moved to a backup folder. On the other hand - within the root folder of a full rFactor installation one can find a file called ReadMe.chm ... this file is pretty loaded with lots of information to get you thoroughly started with rFactor Dedicated Server, you just need to kick yourself in the keister and start with the 1st page ;)

About your own plugin - it is hard to tell relying on just your printings what might be wrong ... When I first started with the InternalPluginsV3, I just took a C++ compiler and compiled the project ... copied the result to the plugins folder and ... tada ... got my 1st scoring info file without doing anything to the code itself.

Hopefully I could point you in any right direction...

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Thanks Frank. I did some more research and found that I forgot to switch to true for WantsScoringUpdates, so after recompiling the InternalsPlugin I now get real time score updates. I'll have to review my own aged plugin code to see if I messed up somewhere. :)
Problem solved, I just recompiled the plugin in Visual Studio 2010 and then it magically worked again.
Good to know 2010 is working too, cause I'm still using 2008 ... Thx for the update Jorgen !!!
