Dedicated Server Question Regarding Practice Sessions


Hello all,

Im trying to be able to have a 24-Hour PRACTICE session for a special hotlap contest type of thing im working on. the thing is everything ive tried to get 24-Hour Practice sessions without modifying any track GDB or mod RFM files and cant for the life of me get anything to work.

I run the server with the +oneclick startup parameter so its reading directly from the Multiplayer.ini and .plr files but when i have

Practice 1 Time="1440"

the server refuses to accept it and reverts to 165 minutes...

any ideas?

Can't help you mate, no idea. impossible, maybe, but perhaps people just don't respond.

if it would be possible to dictate the time through the GDB maybe its an option to do that and set the server to allow for those mismatches. this way the right people (your drivers) will have the right gdb and visitors still can join and either stick with it or you guys send them to the location of the new gdb.

have you tried infinite numbers though? like zero's or 9999?
Can't help you mate, no idea. impossible, maybe, but perhaps people just don't respond.

if it would be possible to dictate the time through the GDB maybe its an option to do that and set the server to allow for those mismatches. this way the right people (your drivers) will have the right gdb and visitors still can join and either stick with it or you guys send them to the location of the new gdb.

have you tried infinite numbers though? like zero's or 9999?

sadly i wish to not modify any GDB files.
you just need enable "Test Day=1" on Multiplayer.ini, but the session will be 30-hour
you just need enable "Test Day=1" on Multiplayer.ini, but the session will be 30-hour

doesnt work, although i dont see it in the multliplayer.ini at all so i added it and still not working.

would you be able to show me where exactly it goes?.
open multiplayer.ini command Control+B and put Test Day and delete the line you create because you have 2 lines now for the same thing-.
epic fail :rolleyes: i thinked rf2.. sorry man.. then i cant help you

well damn, thanks for your help though :)

ISI Staff members, is it possible to have a 24 hour+ practice sessions or test days as mentioned above? [RFACTOR 1]
So i'm guessing ISI Staff no longer have time for rf1 it seems?

well this kinda sucks.
rFactor was designed with a maximum time limit of 165 minutes per practice sessions.

If you want a modified gaming engine so you can run a practice session for 24 hours, ISI are willing to make a modified version for you. The hourly rate is $250 US dollars per hour. If you are happy to pay this, then please send an email
rFactor was designed with a maximum time limit of 165 minutes per practice sessions.

If you want a modified gaming engine so you can run a practice session for 24 hours, ISI are willing to make a modified version for you. The hourly rate is $250 US dollars per hour. If you are happy to pay this, then please send an email

well that sucks, personally it was kinda stupid to have limits on how long any session is. and 24 hour practices are possible because i've had them on the "rTrainer challenge" track because there was no sessions hardcoded in the GDB so i could just make a new rfm for the mod and bam! done, but it can't be done as most (if not all) community tracks specify sessions in the GDB rendering the rfm trick useless.

why they limited it, we'll never know. but i guess they don't care about rfactor anymore since they have rf2. so its probably why they aren't coming here to answer a simple "Can it be done?" question.
I've used the. "Test day " thing in the .ini file it works

But the next problem is when someone connects & puts up on the board a great lap time , it disappears when they disconnect !*!?!

Wouldn't it be simple for ISI dev's just to allow us to put in number of minutes/ hours (unlimited) we want the session to run , then for lap times during that session to stay up

A competition would be much easier to run then
There's no test day setting in rFactor 1. It'll only run Practice (1-4), Qualifying, Warmup, and Race, and everything except the race is limited to 165 mins.

You'll have to do your thing another way.

*I'm guessing you want people to have a lot of time, perhaps for doing a certain number of laps which are timed as a group or similar? So having a reset every 2.5 hours would be annoying.

I think your best bet would be to use the rfm setting and take out the GDB (or set via the GDB if that works). Your server will have a certain mod and certain track(s), so either give people modified versions or even give them a .bat or .exe that can turn your special event mode on or off (so they can switch it on and join yours, or switch it off and join normal servers). These days especially I don't see that having a custom mod and tracks is such a big issue unless you want to make it publicly available.
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The way we did it for a 12 hour long race which was held in a practice session, was to edit the GDB file of the track.
You're looking for this part:

RacePitKPH = 80
NormalPitKPH = 80
Practice1Day = Friday
Practice1Start = 12:00
Practice1Duration = 180
Practice2Day = Saturday
Practice2Start = 15:30
Practice2Duration = 120
Practice3Day = Sunday
Practice3Start = 11:30
Practice3Duration = 780
Practice4Day = Saturday
Practice4Start = 12:00
Practice4Duration = 45
QualifyDay = Saturday
QualifyStart = 14:00
QualifyDuration = 60
QualifyLaps = 12
WarmupDay = Sunday
WarmupStart = 9:00
WarmupDuration = 30
RaceDay = Sunday
RaceStart = 12:00
RaceLaps = 80
RaceTime = 120

If you change these values it will stick. Just don't touch it again afterwards in the dedi server control panel.
I don't know of any other way I'm afraid.
On the server you could also change the Multiplayer.ini (found in the same folder as .PLR (the player profile folder))

Practice 1 Time="20" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for practice 1 (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)
Qualifying Time="10" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for qualifying (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)
Qualifying Laps="255" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of laps allowed in qualifying
Warmup Time="5" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for warmup (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)

Besides the descriptions ... I was sucessfull once in setting a practice session that could last 48 hours using a value of 2880.
Note that Practice 1 Time also stablish the duration for practice 2,3 & 4.
Previously when someone leaves the server their lap time also leaves, does it stay now ? Has this been fixed?
This will be addressed with future releases of rf2 (as stated by ISI) but I don't know if this fix is also planned for rf1.
