Dedicated server setup help


Hi everybody!

I know there is many threads about setting up a dedicated server. I have my own server at home and I have setup a dedicated rFactor running ok on it. My friends can connect and all is fine. But I would like to change some settings that I cannot find in the application for the dedicated server.

Is there a way to setup the server so its only in practice mode? I want to setup a server that is only for practice but I cannot seem to find that anywhere.

Is there any application/mod that I can use to setup more options?
Did you try to manage the duration of the practice session with the following entry in the Multiplayer.ini of the server?

Practice 1 Time="20" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for practice 1 (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)
I dont know if you can bypass the race session but you can take off qualification and warmup.

Go on your Userdata/"your name"/"yourname.plr" and find the lines below:

[ Race Conditions ]
Run Practice1="1"
Run Practice2="1"
Run Practice3="1"
Run Practice4="1"
Run Qualify="0"
Run Warmup="0"

You can have 4 practice sessions, assign the biggest possible time, place a race with 1 lap so it can be bypassed easily and there you have it.
You can also go on your track folder, open the .GDB file with notepad, check for ex. " Practice1Duration = 30" and place "Practice1Duration = 1440". This will do a 24h practice.
If you´re using it online you need to assign "use track default" on server console on practice duration. Remember you need to give all other drivers the new .gdb to avoid mismatches.
