Delay After Race

Frank Geyer

Hi there,

in the Multiplayer.ini one can find the following three lines:

Allow Hotlap Completion="63" // Allow hotlap completion before switching sessions (1=practice1 ... 16=qual, 32=warmup, 63=all)

Delay Between Sessions="600.00000" // Dedicated server delay before switching sessions automatically (after hotlaps are completed, if option is enabled), previously hardcoded to 45

Delay After Race="600.00000" // Dedicated server additional delay (added to "Delay Between Sessions" before loading next track

But no matter what I set on the "Delay After Race"-Value, when the session state in a race session is switched to checkered, the rFactor Dedicated Server switches automatically to the next race (or track) within approx. 90 seconds even when not all the cars had passed the start-/finish-line. Any idea why this happens or is it somehow hardcoded !?!?

Thanx in advance!
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Definatelly "something" happened, because in SRPL leagues we mostly use non-default 5 min delay without any issues. Double check you are modifying the right file, from the right profile and that your file is not read-only. Apart from that, I have no idea what could went wrong. You can make a new profile to see if it works.
Hi LesiU,

thanx for ure quick response!

OK at least than I know that it should work. Yeah, I did all that: checked for read-only, deleted any profile and let rF DS create a complete new one, browsed the PLR file to see wheather there might be some "cross-over-value" from INI to PLR or vise versa ...

Anyway thank you for your ideas! :)


EDIT: Because off all the testing I am using Pause While Zero Players="0" ... I'm gonna switch this back to "1" to see what happens !?!?
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It just MUST work... unless there are some little goblins on your server, messing around ;-)

Check if changing other options will work. Maybe there's something wrong with server account privileges and rF (or maybe rF is reading from somewhere else, like you have in Win 7 non-admin vs admin situation)?

Also, try with your local dedicated server, on your PC, and see if it works.
EDIT: Because off all the testing I am using Pause While Zero Players="0" ... I'm gonna switch this back to "1" to see what happens !?!?

We (SRPL) have the same setting and it works for us as Lesiu said.
Pause While Zero Players=1 means that time on the server will be stopped (and session will be reset) if all non-AI drivers will disconnect from the server.
Yes guys you are right! It works ... my bad!

It just doesn't work when only AIs are loaded and no REMOTE driver is on the server.

The "Pause While Zero Players="-Value has no influence on that behaviour. A "real" driver within a race session made the trick! Yeah sometimes it is just hard to do all the development in a lab environment !!!

Thanx again!

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