Dirty air fix for AI??


From reading posts on here FWDraftLiftMult= is the line in the HDV file that dictates the magnitude of dirty air from following a car, is there anyway of creating the dirty air effect for AI? Its annoying for me to have the dirty air effect from following a car only to find an AI car stuck solid to the rear of my car with no wash out effect, i have tried inserting,


to NO effect unfortunately!! Any clues as to ways round this? Or is it impossible?!

Mh, AI should (but not necesseraly,- look point three) be affected of "FWDraftLiftMult=" too, but it depends on how stable the modder made the AI.
And you have to take into count that AI is some kind of perfect regarding steering input and such, so you maybe just can´t notice the "dirty air"-problem that AI has.
Third thing to remindis that AI doesn´t drive the same physics as you, so there could be the "border" of AI-possibilities.

So in the end there is not much (as I know) that you can do about it. Sorry.
I don't care for AI and don't know if it's affecting the AI's behaviour, but maybe the following entries can help in this case. Put them into the *.rfm file of the mod and modify the values until they match your needs.

// The base # is a simple multiplier that has a clear effect on the draft.
// The exponent numbers, though, control the curve of the effect vs. distance.
// Higher numbers make the effect drop off at a shorter distance.
// NOTE: all these variables can now be overridden within HDV files, for
// vehicle-specific drafting (in addition to new HDV parameters to affect the
// response to drafting in terms of balance and downforce loss).
  BaseDropoff=0.180 // higher number -> more drafting effect (default=0.185)
  LeadingExponent=1.95 // higher number -> lower effect on leader (default=2.0)
  FollowingExponent=1.8 // higher number -> lower effect on followers (default=2.0)
  VehicleWidth=1.8 // helps determine base width of wake (default=1.9)
  SideEffect=0.35 // negative effects of side-by-side drafting (default=0.35, used to be ~3.0 which was way too strong!)
  SideLeadingExponent=2.0 // added to regular LeadingExponent to affect the side wake (default=2.0, used to be 0.0)
  SideFollowingExponent=5.0 // added to regular FollowingExponent to affect the side wake (default=5.0, used to be 0.0)
Ah, yes redapg, this drafting-values are playing a role within this.
But one should be careful with this, as they affect the ability of AI to overtake!
With wrong values AI stucks behind each other.
