Drupal modules for rFactor


First of all, sorry for my poor English.
Like many people here, i've try iRacing and i like it. But i think that rFactor 2 could be better and the community is more sympathic than the money ;)
I'm working with the Drupal CMS for three years now and i love it too...
So i decided a few weeks ago to imagine creating drupal modules to manage Rfactor competition and carreers. Here is a first analysis of what i plan to do (If i can get the time) :

Module rFactor Serveur :
Create a rFactor Serveur content type where you can put serveurs settings :
Fields :
- Title
- ftp address
- login
- Password
- remote rFactor directory (to retrive xml files of races)
- Status
Display :
When you display a rFactor Serveur page, you can make different test on it :
- Send configuration file
- Read XML files from UserData/Log
- get replay files
- Write grid
- etc...

Module rFactor Race
This module will create a race content type where you can choose rules of a race :
Fields :
- Title
- Description
- Cars used
- Track used
- Config files to send to server
- Race parameters (Max cars, Laps, times, etc).
- Link to server used
Display :
- The status of the server is display and, if the user can join the race a register/join button appear.

Module rFactor Session
A session is created each time a xml file is created on the server. The file is analyzied and the results are saved in a database table.

Module rFactor Career
This module is for user's career, it wil saved the Security level and the amount of points the user have.
I've many ideas for it but it's too hard for me to explain that in english... Perhaps if you're intersted i can try to do something !

Module rFactor Infos
This module will contain all the drupal pages, views and blocs to inform the user.

Questions :
- What do you think about this type of project ? Does it exists already ?
- If i can do that, can i ask to the user to pay an annual accession to pay the servers ? Does Isi authorise it ?

Thanx in advance,
- What do you think about this type of project ? Does it exists already ?

Simmilar to your idea is - Simracing League System
Supports a various simmulations (from GPL to iR, rF of course is best supported one due to its abilities). build based on php+mysql. Available for free for non-profit leagues.
Not dependent to central server. Each admin may install it on its own one.
I've seen that.
Is there anyone who's using it to make an iracing like ?
Don't think so.
SLS is dedicated to handle races in single leagues. Not to provide global information about all-the-world drivers career.
So in this area there is no such system excepting one provide by ISI for rF - however don't know if it is still 'alive'
We created most of this in custom PHP 2 years ago for our Sprint Car Racing Mod. We ended up scrapping it becuase there was not enough to make the system work like iRacing. We created a custom ranking system that was based on driver ratings and SOF real similar to iRacing. We also did a SR using the incident recording from teh race XML's. We used plug-ins available for rfactor to join servers and to send all reace results to our website. Then we wrote a few cron jobs to process all of the results and there was a full history of every race you ran. It did get a little messy because you had to link drivers to there racing ID which sucks because guys can change the ID anytime they want in rfactor. What we wanted was to have a white list on the server and only allow guys that were signed up for our system to be allowed to enter the server, but we never made it that far. I think this system would work with just a few tweaks and some ways to validate drivers ID so the ranking system would work better.
OK ! Interesting !
On which site this system is working ?
Why don't you provide the link and the password of the server only on your website for the people who are on the white list ?
www.arcalm.com and www.arcalm.com/tsf does the same thing as what B Malicoat said with the xmls. We also incorporated a money system to it. Tim works hard at adjusting and making changes as requested, might be worth asking him to port over to RF. RF2 should have a unique id to better validate results also I think (or at least hope, last I heard it was gonna be).
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Thanks Bill... Hope rFactor 2 will help us to make killers iRacing websites ;)
