Eliminate Limiter Sounds at lower rpm's


Noobie with a question

Driving the 2010 camaro cup, with lower rpm's you here a shift or limiter sound coming through. The same as if you sit in the pits with it in gear. The gear indicator goes to neutral then in gear and makes the clunk noise. Same noise as the rev limiter is what it sounds like, but I dont want it if the rpm's are lower. Can I delete it somewhere or change a line in a car file to eliminate it. I don't want a shift noise at 3000 rpm's telling me to downshift (what I think it's doing). I think the other cars do it also but just finished driving the camaro and it was annoying. Thank you.
I'm not sure to understand you right.
I would suggest to open the cars *.sfx file and search for shift and limiter entries.
You can "uncomment" the lines where you think that the defined sound is the right one, with setting 2 slashes in front of the line.


// the line you want to have inactive/ignored
