Empty Servers???


When we go to the main lobby in rFactor more and more servers are empty. Maybe most 30 have at least 1 person on them. This is like a waste of space. Server to player ratio is way smaller than the past. More servers than players. What's wrong with that picture? Many servers are online for months with noone or maybe 1 or 2 people a week or month.

i bet a horse that other race thing got the former audience.

Close rfactor 1 and push for rFactor 2? The low numbers sure do give me a good reason to close it if I had any say. Ya I bought rFactor too!!! rFactor has offline mode and peer to peer. master list is not really needed when we can exchange ip's.
There's plenty of drivers when you check at the right times, sundaynight for the Eurozone for example. Leagues still active as well.
Many of those empty servers are league servers and will be occupied on event-day.

But yeah, overall its decreasing but to close it down would be a waste, rf1 is still going strong in some communities and it will prolly be used for a long time.
Also closing rf1 to push rf2, I don't think it works like that, you can't force people to change product and imo allot of drivers are a bit homeless now, not enough going on in rf1 and not enough going on in rf2 either. so both ends struggle and it will take a while.

So all in all, good thing you don't have a say in it hehe :)
Like Denstjiro, i don't see a reason to shut down rFactor, too.

Where is the problem?
Do you feel disturbed from rFactor?

And don't forget all the servers that are not shown in matchmaker list!!
Both of you missed the part that i mentioned rFactor has offline mode and peer to peer. master list is not really needed when we can exchange ip's. That being said is to imply that no one is forced to move to rf2 and still functional without a master server. Also implies still an option to play rf1. Leagues know this is well. Leagues have webpages to share the league server IP.
Sorry, but i've understood your first post in a complete other way.

And the question, what your problem with the existance of the matchmaker-lobby is, is still not answered.

But maybe we have a complete misunderstanding here.
I get the IP thing but that aint really helpful in recruiting. Leagues still depend to some extend to fresh blood coming into their servers as pickup racers and then becoming regulars and then members.
Can't do that with just an IP on display.

Also there are fun servers solely depending on pickup racers and also quickhosts whom also want random traffic.
The IP thing is good for closed communities and friends, but not for the rest. It would probably be death to rf1 if matchmaker would stop functioning.

In fact ISI assured us that the rf1 matchmaker would not go away with the arrival of rf2 so peeps didn't need to worry.
Your right the match maker is important for leagues. Things change and people change. Those that stay will. The majority go on to newer things that is a hard fact of gaming life. I do it just for fun. I do not do leagues nor wear anyone's tag so I do not show off to get in any. If I race on a league server it's just for a good time. I have no problems with matchmaker. I posted this to see if ISI would reply to affirm they will not go back on their word.

I expected a whole lot more rebuttals to this post. Just 3 speaking about it. Most do not really care if it stays or goes?
I doubt many even bother to visit these forums anymore, so many places to go to already after all these years. They might return when matchmaker go's away though, possible sh*tstorm :p
This whole pc realm is a big poop storm. considering how Microsoft pushes out a newer version of Windows, provides updates for a few years then kills it. Website hosts and program developers help Microsoft do this by not supporting the killed made obsolete Windows version. For this he whole realm created it's own heap. For some reason it is human to wanna force new crap on others for personal gain. Who say's it cannot happen? Who made it a law a developer cannot change his or her mind?
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Certainty is obsolete in Life, especially with companies in an ever changing market. so yeah, It will come to an end at some point.
But some level of trust can be granted I suppose when they claim it wont go away just yet.
The low numbers might be based on the fact that leagues leave their servers up between their races. Try not including passworded servers to start with. Additionally, you've not stated any reason for shutting the matchmaker, just said to do so. Just because people can use IP? They were able to do that when rF1 was first released as well, I don't recall people saying it wasn't needed, and to close it in 2005?

we also still sell rF1, and it's active enough in sales alone for us to support it with a matchmaker.
Rfactor 2 requires much better specs out of a pc to function at full capacity.. The large amount of tracks, mods, etc keep this thing alive.. Forcing people to spend another $80 isnt the answer, imo.. rfactor1 lives on nicely still
