engine idle and stalling

  • Thread starter CharlieSheen420
  • Start date


trying to make things as real as possilbe..
Where do I go about changing the engine so when i push the clutch down, and give it no gas, that the car doesnt just stall.. i want to be able to give it a little bit of throttle, lift off the clutch and go, like a real car.. most of these mods
have it set so you have to keep the rpms higher than a street car, like a racecar.. im trying to teach someone how to drive manual, and this seems to be the missing link.
thanks for any help

PS im not lazy LOL i have no problem with doing the trial and error work of changing #'s.. just dont know which settings to mess with to acheive what im looking for, so just a point in the right direction is super appreciated :)
thanks again
It's all about engine parameters put into file for a given mod. rFactor itself can manage that rather well.
But the problem is, until you have a motion platform, it will be very difficult to feel, when and how hard clutch kicks in.
I, if i understood you right, think the settings you are looking for, you can find in the engine.ini.
There are two lines you need to work on:

Here is an example of the ISI FormulaIS:
IdleThrottle=1.0 // throttle multiplier to help maintain idle speed
IdleRPMLogic=(3925.0, 4150.0) // attempt to maintain idle speed between these RPMs

I would suggest to first change the both values in the IdleRPMLogic-line into for example (950.0, 1050.0), that comes close to a "normal" car.
And then try it out and change it until you think it is OK.
The IdleThrottle-value i would keep at 1.0 or play around with it, to see what it really effects.
I, if i understood you right, think the settings you are looking for, you can find in the engine.ini.
There are two lines you need to work on:

Here is an example of the ISI FormulaIS:
IdleThrottle=1.0 // throttle multiplier to help maintain idle speed
IdleRPMLogic=(3925.0, 4150.0) // attempt to maintain idle speed between these RPMs

I would suggest to first change the both values in the IdleRPMLogic-line into for example (950.0, 1050.0), that comes close to a "normal" car.
And then try it out and change it until you think it is OK.
The IdleThrottle-value i would keep at 1.0 or play around with it, to see what it really effects.

Thank you I will give all that a try. I believe that's the answer I was looking for :). I don't use auto clutch or any other aids but thanks for the tip bud
