Eyefinity - I used it wrong all along


Multiview... First time i tried this option i was dissapointed because side screens were on a negative angle (angle was outward a lot). I said "this sucks, this must be for a dome or something" and never tried it again. That was over 2 years ago when i first bought 3 screens setup.
A few days ago i was browsing some triple screen topics and came across this post http://www.kegetys.fi/forum/index.php?topic=2132.0
I never tought about FOV when i was trying multiview.
It was on some 85 or so and i didnt know that high fov and multiview dont mix.
I played a bit with fov and seat position and i am amazed.
Finaly !!!!! No distorsion and streched image on side screens. I had to angle them a bit more but that's even better now.
50 fov, seat full forward and some 55-60 deg. side (26") screens works perfect for me :)
