For GTX users who record gaming vids

as useless as I found gforce experience to be for advanced users, this might change that. Sounds really great.

From the article.
"Fast, free and easy-to-use, ShadowPlay is a new approach to gameplay recording, utilizing an on-board H.264 encoder built into GeForce GTX 600 and 700 Series graphics cards, and an innovative recording mode that shadows your every in-game move."
sounds interesting, especially like the fact that you could save after something interesting has happened.

but with rf2 even 5-10% performance hit can be too much sometimes :D
Yes but it does not matter if you record a rF2 replay or ?

I believe you can have better fidelity this way?

rf2 replays doesn't show all the physics that we have, maybe with this program you can see everything?

How big performance hit do we have by enabling recording replays in rf2 anyway?
In the replay settings is a option named replay fidelity I've set this to full.
Until now I've not done any measurements if there is a fps difference with feature on and off. In the past I never noticed something special with replay on.
I like the replay feature and use it very often for test scenarios because it is the fastest way to test different gfx settings with the same enviroment.
The second thing is I do not know before if the race will be exciting or not if yes I can restart it from every point I want or if I made a big mistake I can analyze with video an motec what happend.
We will see how this new nvidia tool will work :)
Thanks Jamie Shorting, I may install this Experience stuff as this sound really interresting! Great found :)
I cant really imaging there will be much of a performance hit if any as the card has already processed the image then its just a question of save or discard maybe some encoding code slow it down.
This'll take a huge sector of the Fraps market. Hopefully, those guys have got something great in the bag for their next update.
Nvidia.. as of late, seems to be concentrating more on optimization. It's a smart move.
The one piece of technology I'm most excited about as a sim-racer, is G-Sync.
It's reported to remove every bit of stutter from animation and gameplay.
Just gave this a go and i cant notice ant loss in fps whilst recording in high quality :) seems pretty good.
Np :D I got to say seems very good on performance, sitting in pit at the start of qualy with 30 cars in garage i get 61fps, when i hit record i get 57 fps, and thats on high quality too.
Very good tool , but the bad is on W7 max. 4GB files , W8 got not the Prob...
Cant seem to change from rec @ 60fps down to 30fps, maybe it will come later as its still only beta. :)
Awesome, I might finally start uploading all of my F1 crashes that happen during 90% of my starts on the first lap!
Wow! This gifts just keep on coming. Just got my 760 a couple of days ago and now this. Awesome. 4 fps vs. 50% drop from bandicam? Sweet! Can't wait to try!!

Very good indeed. Better than fraps :)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
It would appear to be incompatible with triple monitors. I know it's limited to 1920 x 1080 but I was hoping it would record the centre monitor at least.
Sorry I must be retarded but recording icon doesn't activate then I watched video and noticed you launch the game from inside geoforce experience but now I can't figure out how to get rf2 added as a game. will continue to research but if someone can tell me how to add rf2 as a game would be much appreciated

ok now i am mad because you guys can do this but i can't and now i am seeing recent posts in this forum on how geoforce experience does not support rf2????? so how in the world are you getting this to work ????!?!?!? :mad::p
If you open up experience there's a button top right for shadowplay.
Click that
There's a rocker switch on left then make sure the light is green
You can configure your settings using the buttons to the right.
It will also tell you what key combination to start recording and where videos are saved etc

Hope that helps

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
You dont add rf2 as a game. ..

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
Work fine for me too and as said you don't have to add this to the Experience Graphic Interface (I didn't add any games there for now). Really low fps hit, good quality, perfect with my GTX670! :)

Thanks. That is what I was doing but never got indicator or file. I will try to delete and re-install drivers. Thanks again.
Im runnning 2 monitors (game on one monitor, extended desktop on other) and when i use it (it has icon and its capturing, but wont Save anything when you activate capture) .. it goes to desktop even though game is running.. I will try it with a single monitor.

It works fine with other games with 2 monitors (ie bf4 , arma3 etc).. but seems RF2 doesn't like it.
I will try unplug monitor and run it with 1 screen.. maybe something with the way RF2 handles Game with 2 monitors .. and/or shadowplay not 100% yet.
