FPS Question - Does low no. of faces increase FPS?


I have been converting tracks from the F1 2010 Codemasters game but I just don't understand on some places I get roughly 100 FPS then on certain places it drops to either 30 FPS less or stutters to just 1 FPS. I have been searching around and tried all the FPS tricks (like the NVidia fix, using DX7 for increase performance, lowering LOD's, decreasing detail, etc.) but this is still the issue...

So I came to a point in where I tried to delete some faces on objects and there was some significant increase in FPS but there are still places on the track that stutters or the FPS decreases...

Trackmakers :) please lend me some information about my question or any tips you do to have good perfomance while not sacrificing track detail... Thanks in advance
As I know F1 2010 uses very big textures even if it is not necessary. Maybe fps drop is related to swapping textures in memory or so.
Another big hit on fps is: shadows. Check if referred areas has a lot shadows from small objects etc.
I am not a technicial neither a track maker, but if Codie tracks have big polys, cut any big poly in polys sized 500k or so.

Same problem with the old TOCA tracks converted to rF.
Without to cut the original big poly in smaller polys, the FPS dropped down to 1 or 2 FPS.

Dont forget, conversions of tracks made by Codie or Simbin etc are not welcomed by those companies, and are seen as "illegal" in the most of the rFactor communities ;)
I know that it is a bit OT but SimBin accepts of using converted tracks as long user is an owner of original game which the track was converted from.

And I wouldn't push too far with 'most communities' ;)
Trackmakers :) please lend me some information about my question or any tips you do to have good perfomance while not sacrificing track detail... Thanks in advance

alrighty, I am not a track maker but making your own track objects woul be much better way, or simplify the meshes.

EGO engine is much better optimised to deal with large polycounts compared to rF1, sorry ISI, No offence meant :eek:
Another info I just recalled: as far as I know, rf has some limits about number of gmt objects. It's about 2000 or so. Some F1 2010 tracks has more objects.
Wow, thanks for a lot of response on my question

First, sorry for starting my question with the "conversion from a Codies game", I know its taboo and illegal as well without persmission :D but this issue has been so long to resolve that I don't know how to explain the question better... :D Anyway, moving on... :)

To "MaXyM":
- I certainly overlooked this shadow on objects so I'll try this for sure right now :D
- About the number of GMT objects, I'll guess the number objects on the track conversion I'm doing has dwindled down to maybe 200 or 300 plus...

To "Max Angelo"
- About the poly count, I have actually cut down everything that I can like guard rails (made them more flat instead of a full body like the real thing), fences, gantry's, etc... When I started cutting down, basically the FPS sky rocketed to like 100 FPS... But driving around the track, it started to buckle to 80 FPS then going to certain points slowly goes down to 50 FPS then stutters to either 10 or 1 FPS... Then after going through that section, it goes back to 80 then 100 FPS... So I started to focus on those areas and basically removed all objects around it but still the same... Now I come to a notion in where it might be the detail of the curbs and the no. of faces on the road... Basically when the AI drives to this curbs, they have a hard time driving on it as either they slip and slide a bit or in worse cases, they flip over due to the amount of vibration...

To "afborro",
- Actually, if I get to fix this stutter or FPS issue, I'll be sure to make my own objects as the track looks barren now and kills the feel of realism of the track...

Thanks again for this info's and I'm surely going to try this... :D
hello again...

the resolution was the shadows, thanks "MaXyM" :D much appreciated

now I have a new question but I don't think this should fit this post so... I'll post a new one :D
