I have been converting tracks from the F1 2010 Codemasters game but I just don't understand on some places I get roughly 100 FPS then on certain places it drops to either 30 FPS less or stutters to just 1 FPS. I have been searching around and tried all the FPS tricks (like the NVidia fix, using DX7 for increase performance, lowering LOD's, decreasing detail, etc.) but this is still the issue...
So I came to a point in where I tried to delete some faces on objects and there was some significant increase in FPS but there are still places on the track that stutters or the FPS decreases...
please lend me some information about my question or any tips you do to have good perfomance while not sacrificing track detail... Thanks in advance
So I came to a point in where I tried to delete some faces on objects and there was some significant increase in FPS but there are still places on the track that stutters or the FPS decreases...