Frame Latency Spikes with AMD cards

Ooh a follow up, when I saw the link I just assumed it was the 7950 v 660ti article I'd already seen, immature W8 AMD drivers seemed to the conclusion as I recall. Dinner needs dishing up now so I'll read later with interest, Nvidia needs something to go wrong for AMD because here at least in the UK price/performance wise, AMD kicks Nvidias butt.
7950 VS gtx660ti "Revisited"

Nvidia needs something to go wrong for AMD because here at least in the UK price/performance wise, AMD kicks Nvidias butt.

9 days ago ...........
Armed with that info, we can dispense with the talk about game bundles, rebates, and pricing shenanigans that might shift the value math in favor of one camp or another. Instead, we have a crystal clear recommendation of the GeForce GTX 660 Ti over the Radeon HD 7950 for this winter's crop of blockbuster games. Perhaps AMD will smooth out some of the rough patches in later driver releases, but the games we've tested are already on the market—and Nvidia undeniably delivers the better experience in them, overall.

Vanilla 7950 and GTX660Ti are identical price my shop. $299 so huh ?
It seems that all ATI's Radeon line up are affected by these ugly spikes! NVidia cards are much smoother.

Thanks for the link, very interesting to read. It also gave me new insight on looking at those 'FPS' based benchmark method (which buries the actual performance of a GPU).
It seems that all ATI's Radeon line up are affected by these ugly spikes! NVidia cards are much smoother.

Thanks for the link, very interesting to read. It also gave me new insight on looking at those 'FPS' based benchmark method (which buries the actual performance of a GPU).

Have had the same issues with my 2 6870s. I'll tell you for sure once my 680GTX comes in the mail. I have a feeling it will work a lot smoother for me.
Just few days after Christmas, I bought GTX670 at my local store, and I didn't regret it at all :)

Another interesting links:

A decade old article, explaining about FPS and its flaws:

Is it FRAPS' frame-time good enough? by ABT:

A free FRAPS' frame-time viewer:

I haven't try the tool yet, although I already have several benchmark files generated by Fraps from my HD5770 and GTX670. Would be interesting to see the result :)
Supposedly AMD has known about these issues for some time now and it appears it is driver related. It looks like they may start to address it via driver updates now that the Tech Report article brought it to everyone's attention. I'm not sure if it is something that would fix my issues with my 6870 series cards, but to me it sounds like this started when AMD took over ATI.

This **** always happens when large companies take over other smaller companies and take ownership of their product lines and copywrights. They take a perfectly good product and start to make changes to it (basically so they can call it their own) and it results in multiple issues. I see it time and time again in most industries.
