Freeze field on cautions


Adjust Frozen Order="0.00000" // Moves vehicles down the frozen track order under the safety car if they are causing the yellow and being passed. 0.0=off, 0.1-0.9=apply liberally, 1.0+=apply conservatively

In Dedicated Server function, in dedicated server.plr file, the above function is supposed to adjust where a car re lines up after he is involved in a caution. Trying to adjust this to where a car does not get his position back after causes a caution. What is the number that I should put in to allow this to happen. help!!
There's probably as much (more?) difference between 0.1 and 0.2 as there is between 1.0 and 2.0 - but that aside, if low values don't seem to change what it's doing just try going through all the various caution-related settings to make sure nothing else might be cancelling it out. It's also possible it just doesn't work properly - rFactor (1) is a bit buggy on this whole caution / safety-car area.

For testing I'd try 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 1000 (just to make sure it's not somehow reversed :)). Not 0, since that switches it off.

What's the default value? I don't have the game files here.
Default appears to be 1.0. nothing appears to change the position the driver gets back to after he is involved in a caution. He should go to the end of the line but he doesnt.
I think the setting only affects how "quickly" the order is frozen - if set conservatively the order would be set when the caution comes out, no matter if there's a car off pace/spun/in the wall. If set more liberally the order is frozen only after say 4 more seconds and cars considerably off pace and being passed.

The setting is useful for spun cars that are off pace when the yellow comes out and are still being passed. The extreme would be that as soon as the caution comes out, the order is frozen. If the spinning car is 5th, then spins, yellow comes out right away but the field blows past a fraction of a second later - in this extreme the spinning car would sort back in as 5th.
It is not a substitute for a EOLL penalty for cars causing a caution.
It appears however that even o.o or off doesnt effect eol. I've tried all kinds of combinations.
Just to clarify, are you wanting a car that has spun or is going very slowly to be kept in whatever position it ends up in (possibly behind the rest of the field), or are you wanting a car that is involved in a caution-causing incident but only loses a few positions (or none at all) to be sent to the back? If it's the latter, it won't happen.
Thanks for asking, I want a car involved in a caution not to get his position back, if its 2 cars back or end of line cause of size of field, but not to be able to come back up thru the field and get his original position back, thats not how any real race activity works.
