Frustrating Disconnect Issue


Over the last couple months, I've had a really frustrating disconnect issue with rFactor. I race over at R2P (and they've been almost zero help with this so I'm asking here), and I get disconnected at the start of races sometimes. Here's what I've found so far......

This only happens with large fields (but not all large fields cause it), large fields being 20+.
This only happens when there is a formation lap.
This only happens when the race starts. Whether the race starts after a full lap, or at a certain turn, it's when the field starts to race that I lose connection.

I've raced before there with large fields and formation laps, and never had this issue until a couple months ago.

Things I've tried:
Turning off Win7 firewall.
Disabling Anti-virus (It doesn't have a firewall installed)
Making sure I have current rfactor.exe from ISI.

The fact this only happens in a pretty specific situation certainly should help, but I've yet to find anything that works.

A couple things I've read:
Set network priority for rFactor.....I don't see this option. I only have a wired network, and I don't see this option in Win7 or in my router's configuration.
TCP keep alive: when in a formation lap, rFactor uses TCP for chat/sector timing. Solution: send whisper messages to your self to keep TCP link alive.
This second thing I'll give a try, it makes sense.

Also!: And this might be important
I ran Wireshark during my latest disconnect (Wireshark is a packet capturing program) and noticed a couple things...

My connection to the server seems ok, up until a point that I'm assuming is the disconnect. It shows regular communication between the R2P server and my computer. But at the race start (Or what I'm assuming is the start...packet time stamps seem to be at that time), *almost* all communication FROM the server stops. I say almost all, because I do get a packet from the server every 12 seconds. It's limited in size compared to the regular ones I get, but I am still getting them, albeit only every 12 seconds. It does show, however, that my computer continues to send packets at what seems like a normal rate, until what seems to be the "Connection Lost" packet.

ANY HELP? This is getting to be completely frustrating. I can also make the capture file available to anyone who is competent and understands it. While I consider myself pretty knowledgeable in networking, deciphering packets is beyond my scope.

How did you set your connection-type and bandwith in game?
And maybe that can help too:
Have you patched the rFactor.exe with the 4GB Ram patch?
Do you run rFactor with the +fullproc option?
How did you set your connection-type and bandwith in game?
And maybe that can help too:
Have you patched the rFactor.exe with the 4GB Ram patch?
Do you run rFactor with the +fullproc option?

I don't think I've changed the connection type in game. I have a cable connection, like 20down 5up, is there a setting preferred for that?
I'll try the 4GB patch, but I'd also be worried that modifying the .exe file could cause problems.
I don't know about the +fullproc, I'll google it and figure it out.

Thanks for the info, all stuff that I've not heard before.
I would suggest to set the connection type in game (to find at "CONNECT/SETTINGS") to LAN with 5000 KB up- and download or to custom with your rates.

I've never heard that anybody had any troubles, caused by patching the rFactor.exe with the 4 GB RAM patch.

And the +fullproc option you can simply add in the shortcut of the rfactor.exe with which you start the game.
- make a rightclick with the mouse on it and choose properties
- in the field "target" where the path to the rFcator.exe is shown, add +fullproc at the end so that it looks like this:
C:\rFactor\rFactor.exe +fullproc

Attention! There has to be a space between the ....exe and the +fullproc.
I would suggest to set the connection type in game (to find at "CONNECT/SETTINGS") to LAN with 5000 KB up- and download or to custom with your rates.

I've never heard that anybody had any troubles, caused by patching the rFactor.exe with the 4 GB RAM patch.

And the +fullproc option you can simply add in the shortcut of the rfactor.exe with which you start the game.
- make a rightclick with the mouse on it and choose properties
- in the field "target" where the path to the rFcator.exe is shown, add +fullproc at the end so that it looks like this:
C:\rFactor\rFactor.exe +fullproc

Attention! There has to be a space between the ....exe and the +fullproc.

Thanks. With the +fullproc I was more interested in what it does. A quick search (for those that didn't know either) is that command forces rFactor to use all the cores in a multi-core CPU.
But the 2 others are helpful too ;)

The 4 GB RAM Patch allows rFactor to use 4 GB RAM instead of 2+.

And when your connection settings in game are too low, you'll have connection problems with bigger grids or with mods that use high-poly-count vehicles and big textures.
Right, I'll give them all a try and see if they help. I already put them into use and ran a test race with a mod that hogs a lot to begin with, and had much higher framrates than I did before.
